Electronics Forum: lawing (Page 1 of 14)

Had to share that one, its related to mfg. in the 21st century

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 13 06:40:20 EST 2006 | trk

Unfortunately.....every new representative that gets elected wants to make a new law.....hence......thats why there is a law for just about anything..anybody..does. Its hard to remember the last time someone actually repealed a law instead of making


Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 04 11:19:49 EDT 2005 | patrickbruneel

The Directive becomes a law when it's written into law by all states in Europe. Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Poland and the UK have not done that yet. Look here: http://europa.eu.int/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/05/895

Flux Residues In Lead Free Wave Soldeing Process

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 29 05:23:41 EST 2006 | Rob

Larry is an exponent of Newton's third law - the law of reciprocal actions. You've no doubt heard of the font of all knowledge, well Larry is the equal & opposite of this. (There has also been considerable discussion as to whether he has his own su

Solder paste handing

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 16 11:15:58 EST 2007 | slthomas

Gaaaahhhh! NEVER mention man law and turning bottles of fine wine (metro law) in the same statement. You'll tear a hole in the time/space continuum.

Extended CA RoHS Restrictions Terminated

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 06 16:16:59 EST 2007 | jmelson

What? If you are talking about the US, you think there is NO nonsense already in our laws? Come ON! (There are entire novelty books with laws that are so insane or outdated they are roll on the floor laughable.) Jon

Universal say what you will

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 22 00:21:43 EDT 2002 | lysik

If a OEM does the wrong thing tell the World. Tell every single person you know. But also do the right thing by them when they do the right thing. Tell the World. If it's right it's right. UIC seems to be doing the right thing right now. Their regist

physical law of Dewetting

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 01 20:43:13 EST 2001 | ianchan

Thank you 4 the clarification and classification :)

physical law of Dewetting

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 01 20:46:24 EST 2001 | ianchan

Thanks for the awareness, will look into my profile, and try analyze which type of dewetting r we actually encountering...

EMS Terms and Conditions

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 17 08:44:23 EST 2001 | davef

Maybe your lawyer can suggest a colleague that is more competent in contract law.


Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 03 11:45:48 EDT 2005 | !!!

Guys, Is Rohs Directive a Law?

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