Electronics Forum: lead component testing (Page 1 of 371)

Pcb component testing

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 30 12:27:40 EDT 2021 | chicagoindustrial

This is correct. We don't know if you are looking across the components or referencing a point they are not even connected to.

Pcb component testing

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 17 08:27:09 EST 2020 | gort

Hi all Wonder if anyone can help , I'm trying to test a pcb board ( with very little experience) I've tested the resistors and now the capacitors , only to find that about 5 of them have continuity so guessing there not working . I checked the s

Pcb component testing

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 17 10:54:43 EST 2020 | spoiltforchoice

Unless you have a firm grasp on the circuit and electronics in general, you are on a hiding to nothing. Testing components in circuit is complex, because its a circuit and any measurement you make is affected by connected neighboring ones. If you set

Lead presence testing

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 21 08:58:48 EDT 2005 | Rob

Hi, Has anyone got any experience with Lead Check or any other type of swab system for checking the presence of lead on a component or assembly? http://www.leadcheck.com/CircuitBoard.shtml Cheers, Rob.

PCB's for lead free testing

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 14 08:42:47 EST 2005 | Jim Zanolli

We are performing testing for lead free connector finishes. We want to run solderability tests on a series of lead free connector plating options in a series lead free PCB's. I need some advice on the most popular lead free PCB finishes. I am aware

Reduced component lead diameters

Electronics Forum | Wed May 03 10:58:35 EDT 2006 | rlackey

Hi has anyone noticed any issues with reduced component lead diameters on through hole resistors? All the volume manufacturers have or are in the process of reducing the lead diameters from 0.6mm to 0.4mm due to the huge increase in copper prices o

Reduced component lead diameters

Electronics Forum | Wed May 03 12:26:30 EDT 2006 | patrickbruneel

This is indeed yet another proof that under impulse of the RoHS directives all norms are flushed down the drain. Bean counters are slowly but surely taking over our industry because they no longer face resistance by form of standards. Even the basic

Reduced component lead diameters

Electronics Forum | Thu May 04 04:47:28 EDT 2006 | rlackey

Hi Pat, Not going to change, but has changed. We were first notified about a potential change 2 years ago, but as we're such a volume user we could turn around and say no thanks. However as every one else has now changed over on commodity parts &

ICT and specifying PCBA testing

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 26 11:31:34 EDT 2010 | rway

I have been using ICT for a number of years. It is still a viable resource for catching defects in the production process. AOI doesn't catch everything, such as bridging on QFN or J-lead devices (this will depend on the type of AOI and camera syste

ICT testing to improve yields

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 27 08:52:57 EDT 2012 | rgduval

Reese, We would agree about the value of an ICT system, in a general manufacturing environment. However, a couple of notes apply: 1. ICT isn't a catch-all, either, and should be used to verify the process, not validate it. Quality should be buil

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