Electronics Forum: lead contamination on solder pot (Page 1 of 12)

Solder pot contamination

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 09 20:47:21 EDT 2004 | KEN

I think OA flux left on the pot would quickly looses its activity and become part of the dross waste stream, and smoke stream for that matter. Also, if your wave is setup properly your selective pallets will scour (push) the top of the lambda wav

contamination on copper

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 16 11:03:35 EDT 2004 | davef

Your copper corrosion is not good. It indicates that you have not done a good job in cleaning. [We assume this is a medium green color, not unlike the color of the solder mask on your board, that is almost like a translucent lacquer; rather than th

Lead contamination in wave solder pot...

Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 09 21:44:12 EDT 2005 | Eskay

If the solder in the pot is to be replaced, the cost is very high. Is there any methods that could control the lead content to be low 1000ppm? Any methods what if the content is exceeded 1000ppm?

Lead contamination in wave solder pot...

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 08 11:09:44 EST 2005 | jdumont

Hi all, we're preparing for the switch to lead free and I was wondering how dangerous/harmful to our new wave oven it would be to run tin lead parts through the no lead wave. Will the lead build up and cause issues?

Lead contamination in wave solder pot...

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 11 22:58:19 EDT 2005 | KEN

Isn't it funny how solder manufacturers are adopting a spec. limit of "not to exceed 1000ppm of lead content". Doesn't leave much room for the rest of the "process".

Lead contamination in wave solder pot...

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 14 04:00:05 EDT 2005 | steve

Your friendly wave guy here, check out Aim solders web site. click to the right where it says lead free. There is a complete discussion on what can occur. http://www.aimsolder.com

Lead contamination in wave solder pot...

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 08 19:10:09 EST 2005 | DasonC

Lead free is not define as NO lead and "a maximum concentration value of 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials for lead shall be tolerated." Check below link. So replaced your solder from the pot when exceed 0.1%. http://www.leadfree.org/files

Backward compatibility in LF solder pot

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 22 03:07:45 EDT 2005 | Joseph

Dear all, As we know there is a high risk of reliability issue due to lead contamination during mixture of NLF component at LF wave soldering process. But we have the following feed back from one of our customer as follow: Concerning the risk of m

Lead contamination in wave solder pot...

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 12 11:19:46 EDT 2005 | patrickbruneel

Yeah, adopting is the right word. In this new lead-free era spec.'s are made to stay within the scoop of the RoHS directive. The driving force for spec.'s should be reliability. Did you see any impurity level spec.'s yet in wave soldering for Cu, Au,

Paint flaking from Lead Free solder pot

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 08 11:50:39 EDT 2006 | Rob

SN100C is designed not to corrode your pot, and can be used on standard solderpots (after a proper clean out), whereas SACX is still corrosive and if the coating is compromised then could cause problems. Get it in writing from the supplier that the

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