Electronics Forum: lead free profile (Page 1 of 406)

lead free vitronic(s) profile

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 14 21:53:07 EST 2006 | davef

Use the thermal recipe suggested by YOUR paste supplier, as the starting point.

lead free vitronic(s) profile

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 12 01:52:05 EST 2006 | hemu_me

As we have vitronics oven(SMR610A) made in dec,1997,which has 5 heating zones and 2 cooling zones. For Lead free soldering what should be our baseline for low/medium boards.we have gathered profiles from various paste manufacturers,however we don't k

profile vitronics 500s for lead free solder paste

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 21 07:44:19 EDT 2012 | cuervo

Hello ! I have a vitronics 500s ( five zones), and the solder paste is ALPHA OM-338-PT lead free. have anyone a profile to start and test, i need some reference temperatures.and conveyor speed thanks !!!

profile vitronics 500s for lead free solder paste

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 05 07:41:57 EDT 2012 | aj

try 180 180 195 248 260 belt speed 20 ( lightly populated boards) adjust speed to 18 for heavily populated.

profile vitronics 500s for lead free solder paste

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 21 20:02:37 EDT 2012 | hegemon

Lead Free in 5 zones is tough sledding. Start with your manufacturers solder reflow profile and calculate your belt speed by looking at the recommended heating time for the solder paste vs. the length of your heated zones. Set your belt speed so tha

Starting point 7 zone oven profile for lead free - 2 layer simple board, but high mass electrolytics

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 17 17:57:13 EDT 2014 | proy

Hello We use a 5 zone conceptronics HVN70 and never before have we had something we could not do including 6 layers Rohs complicated boards. Recently we had a larger - simple 2 layer board - all 1206's etc however there are 15 pcs of a LARGE high m

Starting point 7 zone oven profile for lead free - 2 layer simple board, but high mass electrolytics

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 18 11:05:47 EDT 2014 | horchak

First things first. Check the manufactures specs on the electrolytic caps as they may not be able to handle the lead free temps.

Starting point 7 zone oven profile for lead free - 2 layer simple board, but high mass electrolytics

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 24 12:18:01 EDT 2014 | cyber_wolf

You must thermally profile your circuit boards with a data-logger and thermocouples. Just putting in oven set points and looking at solder joints is not enough. Reference IPC-7530

Starting point 7 zone oven profile for lead free - 2 layer simple board, but high mass electrolytics

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 23 09:38:05 EDT 2014 | rgduval

Get in touch with your paste manufacturer. They should have a data base of different oven types/zones, and can give you "baseline" settings for a medium thermal density board that has been proven to work well with their paste. After that, it sounds

Lead free profile

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 26 01:07:51 EST 2005 | gpaelmo

Doesn't the components and PCB need to be lead-free also to be a "true" lead-free process?

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