Electronics Forum: lighting manufacturer (Page 1 of 17)

Manufacturing Area Lighting

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 25 22:42:23 EST 2006 | davef

We are considering replacing the lighting used in our manufacturing area. This is the overhead lighting, not task lighting for workstations. Currently, we have long strips of fluorscent light pairs that are spaced about 20 feet apart. The ceiling

Manufacturing Area Lighting

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 26 09:01:32 EST 2006 | Chunks

Mercury vapors are pretty good. Also, if you can build n some day light diffusers for natural sun light to come in. It works pretty well. Use a diffuser as clear glass may cuase vision problem with equipment if under direct sun light. Been there.

IC marking unclear after pass reflow

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 01 12:12:43 EDT 2008 | jdengler

On our machine we have found that some IC's require a different light for inspection based on the manufacturer. Have you tried other lighting options? You may need to talk to the AOI manufacturer to see if there is something the machine may be able

how is the South America market for high speed pnp machine , why many usa clients want desktop pnp machine, mainl for rearch and

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 21 04:53:10 EDT 2015 | langkeauto2015

Yes, i agree with you, but for our domestic market, most of big led light manufacturers which can use our machines already purchased our high speed led pnp machines, like FSL, MLS etc, it is necessary for us to explore foreign market, india and brail

Rethink of Offshore and Just-in-Time Manufacturing Practices in Light of COVID 19

Electronics Forum | Wed May 06 21:48:41 EDT 2020 | SMTA-Robert

Has the pandemic and the economic fallout from it cause you and your company to rethink your China/Asia outsourcing strategy? Also have your thoughts changed regarding JIT/Kanban/Lean manufacturing practices in view of the present situation?

cleaning NO clean

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 10 22:29:01 EDT 2002 | scottefiske

Many times after initially cleaning in the solvents recommended by the paste/material manufacturer, a light white haze may still be visable...try using a soft bristle brush to remove the remaining residues. By this time the residues that remain will

Gerber Data Drill Holes

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 15 04:59:16 EST 2006 | tk380514

these holes are non-plated they are for light pipes and the tolerances of the PCB manufacturer are 0.05 mm so the light pipes are small for the holes. Do i need to change more than this one file i have or do i need to change NcDrill files as well. As

Rethink of Offshore and Just-in-Time Manufacturing Practices in Light of COVID 19

Electronics Forum | Thu May 07 01:09:02 EDT 2020 | kylehunter

We've definitely changed our bare board source. Now are using a mix of USA based and South Korean. Helps to have some extra options..

Rethink of Offshore and Just-in-Time Manufacturing Practices in Light of COVID 19

Electronics Forum | Fri May 08 20:29:09 EDT 2020 | gregoireg

I don't want to steal this thread so I have posted mine (in case a Mexico company read this...) https://smtnet.com/Forums/index.cfm?Thread_ID=22654

Reflow profile training ?

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 18 09:16:59 EDT 2008 | samir

Yes, BLAME. It's a common theme in manufacturing unfortunately. Also, unfortunate, is that the PROCESS is the easiest thing to blame and often the path of least resistance to the non-technical manufacturing personnel (operations managers and line s

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