Electronics Forum: line efficiency hmlv (Page 1 of 16)

SMT Capacity & efficiency

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 27 03:04:41 EDT 2015 | princess

pick & Place-->reflow oven. I am new in this industry, and i have to calculate SMT line efficiency and productivity in daily basis. hope that anyone here can help me on this.

SMT Capacity & efficiency

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 27 05:49:53 EDT 2015 | alexeis

Hi, To calculate both values you need: 1. Theoretical speed of all machines (Printer, SMT, Reflow). This is a basic upper limit value of speed. Use it for calculate a maximal theoretical values as upper limit. For real values, read next. 2. High r

High output line advice

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 20 04:21:30 EST 2007 | Base

According to my assumptions you're looking for a 40kCph line. (300 days of 8hrs at 75% efficiency) What's the parts mix? I would say (and these are my favourites) Assembl�on AX-5 with 10 wide robots. This will give you 50k output with the ability to

Efficiency index in SMT line

Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 24 04:34:19 EST 2010 | dearkim

I'm going to manage a efficiency of my SMT line. Final target is increase the output. But I don't make a decision of the efficiency index. What is the efficiency index in SMT line. In my opinion is... First, Output CPH/actual CPH(Based on optimized c

Efficiency index in SMT line

Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 24 14:31:17 EST 2010 | davef

Some use Overall Equipment Effectiveness. Search the fine SMTnet Archives to find threads like: http://www.smtnet.com/Forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Message_ID=60345

SMT line validation if AOI available

Electronics Forum | Thu May 28 01:58:40 EDT 2015 | alexeis

Hi, To maximize efficiency of the use of AOI machine inline, our customers perform statistical analyzes. Until few month ago, this analysis was done manually. These days, we have been implemented full working project which performs analysis of AOI m

SMT line expansion - new oven and selective solder

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 25 15:41:03 EST 2020 | SMTA-Alex

The ovens you're looking at need 100 amps of 480, 200 amps of 240. Do you have that extra power available in your building? You can go with a step-up transformer to convert 240V to 480V. My understanding is that ovens run more efficiently on 480V.

New SMT line - Need equipment selection help

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 29 23:54:06 EDT 2006 | grantp

Hi, I think it's a good choice for a startup, and if your finding it's accurate enough. We only went Fuji because of our volume, and small errors were adding up, but if I was starting from nothing again it would be MYDATA because I could not afford

Efficiency Rate...

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 13 12:49:15 EDT 2004 | WALSTIB

Russ is correct, The efficiency number, or machine operating ratio, is more relevant in a HVLM environment than a HMLV senario. I have found that in HVLM, a desirable number would be cetianly 80% plus. Low 90 is not unrealistic. One must consider


Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 21 07:54:38 EDT 2002 | yngwie

What is the best indicator to monitor the success in HMLV environment. Example, I think FPY is not the best representive of line's health. Agreed ? IS DPMO tracking is a better way ? What about downtime ? IS convertion time can be considered as one o

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