Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 12 06:49:39 EDT 1999 | Eyal Dickerman
| Hi All, | | Does any one out there have SPC control on Chip placement Machines? I was wondering what type of parameters we can monitor. We have Siplace here equip with SEC-GEM and a monitoring software. Just curious if anyone has done SPC on Chip
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 18 09:47:17 EDT 2005 | pjc
SRT machines are manufactured by VJ Electronix in MA. They have all parts. V.J. Electronix, Inc. 1000 Mt. Laurel Circle Shirley, MA 01464 USA Phone: (978) 425-9446 Fax: (978) 425-9648 www.vjelectronix.com
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 13 13:06:49 EDT 2007 | tommyttr
I think it is in the ideal.ma or actual.ma file. You could also use the first RMOS boot disk. This will ask you for it there.
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 24 15:14:38 EDT 2014 | youngbuck
You could try reloading the MA data if you have a MA file backed up.
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 21 12:41:35 EDT 2000 | jackofalltrades
Cicuit Repair Corporation 45 research Dr. Havenhill, MA 01832 Phone# 978-374-5000
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 28 01:04:00 EDT 2000 | SMT Tech
I Systems, Inc. 323 Andover Street Wilmington, MA 01887 978.657.0149
Electronics Forum | Fri May 27 07:52:30 EDT 2005 | bandjwet
Dear HR Manager: BEST/IL (www.solder.net) and Circuit Technology Center/MA offer such services. BWET
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 05 10:57:16 EDT 2011 | rdubya
circuitsaf ma420 by Lord, been using it for a few years works good
Electronics Forum | Tue May 25 14:45:06 EDT 2021 | capse
VJ Electronix in Chelmsford, MA currently manufactures the SRT line of rework system. They may have the motor.
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 15 17:00:40 EDT 2023 | brantco
Hello Everyone i ma looking for a PDf of a manual for a MPM UP2000