Electronics Forum: magnetic scale (Page 1 of 1)

Mirae 1030 Y-Axis error

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 22 08:54:15 EDT 2016 | bobpan

More than likely the encoder scale or read head has an issue. Many times.. oil/dirt/water get on the scale and cause a bad spot or bad area. Try to clean the scale with a lint free cloth and alcohol. You should also be able to see the read head and m

Tooling Support

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 30 10:32:46 EDT 2001 | hinerman

There are three types of tooling, on a continuous scale a. Manual b. Semi-Automatic c. Automatic An example of a manual system is magnetic pins or a setup where pins drop into a fixed grid. Semiauto would be a system that automatically sets the t

Meridian 1020P servo wont start

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 09 12:00:25 EDT 2014 | bobpan

You have a rather old machine that you are running....now realizing this you need to check some things. 1. Clean the scales in the x and y direction. On some of the encoders there is an led to see if its reading correctly....Usually it turns green b


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