Electronics Forum: matrix tray holder gsm (Page 1 of 3)

Need to find stationary matrix tray feeders at a good price

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 25 16:35:36 EDT 2009 | drakealvarez

Universal G.S.M. single beam, head A1 (four spindle) -Aortiz

Topaz tray feeder

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 17 09:05:55 EST 2004 | adlsmt

Has anyone designed a Topaz matrix tray holder? We only need something to hold 4 trays and the Assembleon system is expensive and marginal. We can do it here but if someone else has done it would be happy to share the engineering costs to get some dr

Matrix Tray Holder

Electronics Forum | Mon May 07 22:25:21 EDT 2001 | Doug Kester

Has anyone heard of a single or double tray holder plate for Siemens Siplace equipment (either OEM or aftermarket). This would be similar to the Universal, Quad, and Zevatech platens for trays that just clip on to the feeder holders. Have only a co

Samsung CP45 Neo Matrix Tray Holder

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 29 10:29:13 EDT 2009 | soporto77

Hi, I'd like to know where i can find a Matrix Tray holder cheap (Pick and Place Samsung CP45 Neo) Thank you for your help

Matrix Tray Holder

Electronics Forum | Tue May 08 08:26:15 EDT 2001 | caldon

Yes Siemens has a fixed tray feeder for matrix trays. If I remember correctly the tray will occupy 1/2 of the table.The feeder is a two part system 1) is the base 2) the the flat tray (just like what is used in the waffle pack changer). the flat tray

Quad IVc AutoProgram

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 04 07:09:39 EDT 2013 | leemeyer

Autoprogram will use whatever tape feeder width is defined for that component (SMD type)and will adjust the pickup accordingly. Autoprogram will not tell you where to place Vibs and Matrix trays. You need to decide where to mount the holders. Then m

Matrix Tray

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 21 08:30:13 EST 2005 | jax

"aj" you should find your way to a training class. The measurement is from the zero point of the tray feeder( almost always the feeder slot pin giude that the center guide of the tray holder hits...located in the machine ). It is not the same as nest

Matrix Tray Holder

Electronics Forum | Wed May 09 11:13:58 EDT 2001 | davef

Hold it!!! Call Bob over at Tri-Metal Fabricators and ask him to make you one for about 10% of the price a fine OEM would charge. Might not a a fancy anodized finish, but at the end of the day, it'll hold yer trays just fine.

Matrix Tray Holder

Electronics Forum | Mon May 14 13:01:21 EDT 2001 | Charlie

We had two 51 space trays. One was modified by machine shop to hold two waffle trays. We bought a 31 space tray thinking it would hold one tray, it doesn't. We modified it to hold one tray. We than learned, from tech support, that a 31 space base sho

Matrix Tray Holder

Electronics Forum | Mon May 14 15:20:35 EDT 2001 | stefwitt

You can make up a plate over lapping the tape exit guide and to the right up to the nozzle changer. It should hold three standard size Jedec trays. I used the bases of two old vibratory feeder. No matter what you do, you should use strong magnets to

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