Electronics Forum: max time at peak temperature (Page 1 of 3)


Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 02 11:01:28 EDT 2005 | davef

Xilinx recommended reflow ||Sn-Pb Eutetic||Sn-Pb Eutetic ||Pb-Free||Pb-Free Profile Feature||Large Body||Small Body||Large Body||Small Body Average ramp-up rate (TL-TP), *C/seconds max||3||3||3||3 Preheat - Temperature Min (Tsmin), *C||100||100||150|


Electronics Forum | Thu May 16 22:37:22 EDT 2002 | xzinxzin

anyone experience to solve the non-wetting on Microleadframe packages component terminal sides. 1)I test the components solderbility in dip and look test, in solder pot at 240 deg C,the wetting on the sides is ok. but I run on mass production in refl

Re: Poor Solder on TSOP

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 25 20:26:37 EDT 1998 | Chiakl

| I am looking for a little enlightenment with an issue that we have been seeing. We have SMT assemblies with poor solderability on TSOP and mini-QFP type devices. The solder appears to have incomplete reflow and/or grainyness to the joints. Everythi

Re: Poor Solder on TSOP

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 30 11:51:41 EDT 1998 | Michael Fogel

| | I am looking for a little enlightenment with an issue that we have been seeing. We have SMT assemblies with poor solderability on TSOP and mini-QFP type devices. The solder appears to have incomplete reflow and/or grainyness to the joints. Everyt

Re: Poor Solder on TSOP

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 02 19:18:31 EDT 1998 | Rin

| | | | I am looking for a little enlightenment with an issue that we have been seeing. We have SMT assemblies with poor solderability on TSOP and mini-QFP type devices. The solder appears to have incomplete reflow and/or grainyness to the joints. E

Reflow Specs.

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 13 21:04:15 EDT 2001 | davef

What??? You don�t have enough things to monitor? The origin of some profiles is mysterious. It�s probably good to try to understand such mysteries. Certainly, the important determinants in the design of your reflow profile are: * Paste you�ve sel

Where's the beef?!?!

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 27 05:58:57 EST 2006 | Rob

Chunks is right, in the main the termination material is the only change. However, plastics have changed & the ones free of nasty chemicals (polybrominated whatevers)are actually less temperature tolerant. Also some manufacturers do publish PBT (pe

Peak Temperature

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 19 08:48:32 EDT 2006 | stepheniii

Time is also a factor, usually. IIRC almost everytime I"ve seen a max temp rating it also included time. ex. 225C for 20 seconds. If a part can take 300C but the spec sheet says 220C and you take it to 225C, it doesn't matter if the heat made the pa

Damaged Components by Reflow Process (Process Window)

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 04 09:58:50 EST 2009 | dyoungquist

As was stated before, you need to have oven temperatures (profile) set such that you get good solder joints with the paste you are using. And definately run a profiler through yor oven to verify it is working properly. As for components, most data

Re: Poor solder joints on QFP 100's

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 16 16:46:47 EST 1999 | Mike Naddra

Steve , I use a general set of guidlines when developing reflow profiles: Ramp rate to 140 deg C - 50-60 seconds Time at preheat (140-160 deg C) - 90-120 sec Time above liquidous (183 deg C) - 45-90 sec Time at peak (215-225 deg C) - 9-12 sec peak t

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