Electronics Forum: mean dwell time reflow (Page 1 of 28)

Can excessive reflow(longer dwell time) cause open joint?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 29 09:00:56 EDT 2004 | Bryan Sherh

Some short happens between the balls of CPU socket in my site.we decrease the reflow time from about 90sec to 50 sec and decreased the fail rate of short.but x-ray shows balls from part of the Ball array deformed....we can't further decrease the time

Can excessive reflow(longer dwell time) cause open joint?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 30 09:59:10 EDT 2004 | Steve

Excessive Time above Liquidus will cause a solder joint to become extremely brittle. Any shock or stress to the joint can lead to a failure.

Can excessive reflow(longer dwell time) cause open joint?

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 04 15:27:03 EDT 2004 | Rush Fan

I might suggest that you check with your solder paste manufacturer to see what is recommended for time over reflow. Typically, I think most are between 60 and 90 seconds over 183. Also, consider the rate of cooling. The faster you cool the solder, th

Can excessive reflow(longer dwell time) cause open joint?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 29 00:42:32 EDT 2004 | C.W

hello, BGA was a little excessively reflowed with dwell time(above 183C - solder paste = 63/37) over 2 min, peak temp is 218C. I inspected the BGA under X-ray and there is a little voids but within the acceptable range, i then used the Ersascope to c

Can excessive reflow(longer dwell time) cause open joint?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 30 17:20:09 EDT 2004 | Francois Monette

A couple of other potential issues are moisture/reflow related issues. This can include internal delaminations inside the component, potentially breaking or lifting the wirebonds. It may also induce warpage where the corners of the BGA will curl up.

Reflow time

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 16 10:45:41 EST 2005 | campos

Hi,, My doubt is regarding to the Reflow Time, I mean, in a 5 or 7 zones oves, how long the board should stay inside the oven to complete the soldering cycle? 4 min, more, less...Should I keep low temp until peak for a long time or high temp in shor

First time Pick and Place Machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 18 09:29:54 EDT 2017 | svfeingold

That does sound like a great deal Tsvetan. Can you share any information about who/where exactly you purchased the machines, and which printer/reflow you have? I do have friends and colleagues in China that could ease the process if anything is comin

Re: Double sided reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 13 08:54:43 EST 1998 | justin medernach

| Hi , | I have not been able to find any good description on how to perform double sided reflow on PCBs.The best would of course be to avoid reflowing the bottom side again but in real life this is not possible. | So when double sided reflow sol

PCB post reflow cleaning

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 26 08:49:22 EST 2004 | patrickbruneel

Dear Sir, If you are looking for the best bang for the buck you will have to stop cleaning and use a no-residue paste instead of a no-clean. No-residue chemistry becomes totaly volatile in dwell time above reflow resulting in residue free boards. I

silver pads, reflow charateristics??

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 24 19:19:11 EST 2003 | MA/NY DDave

Hi Don't really know what "your grainy" means. It could be good, marginal, or bad. You need to get some photos or micrographs of what is normal and off-normal. Compared to Sn/Pb 63/37 on mostly Sn it should look visually different. Every time you c

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