Electronics Forum: melf diode poor soldering (Page 1 of 2)

Problems with diode during wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 13 15:44:02 EDT 2012 | mbnetto

Hi everbody, I'm facing some soldering problems with a Diode (SMA) during wave soldering process. During this process almost all the time one of the component pads have no solder, according to the picture dsc000604 attached. Some considerations: * T

Re: Intrusive soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 25 14:00:45 EST 1999 | Bob Willis

| Rob, | | We are also using intrusive reflow to simultaneously process SMT and Thru-hole components. Our arrangement goes as follows: | | - Screen print solder paste to the single sided PCB using 0.008" laser cut stencil. | - Apply adhesive dots

Re: Intrusive soldering

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 23 04:07:44 EST 1999 | Scott Davies

Rob, We are also using intrusive reflow to simultaneously process SMT and Thru-hole components. Our arrangement goes as follows: - Screen print solder paste to the single sided PCB using 0.008" laser cut stencil. - Apply adhesive dots to selected

Re: Screen printing glue for wave soldering SMT components.

Electronics Forum | Fri May 26 05:54:40 EDT 2000 | Sal

For the past year now we have been printing adhesive with no real problems. Our printing ranges from 0603's to SOIC using a variation of aperture sizes and metal thickness foils. The crucial parameters are : aperture sizes : These obviously depend o

Re: Cylindrical diodes Missing during SMT process.

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 04:05:15 EDT 1999 | Scott Davies

| Hello everyone, | We found many cylindrical diodes missing during SMT process. Could someone tell us how to prevent this problem? Is it effective to change the shape of stencil apture or reduce fan speed in reflow oven? Thanks in advance. | | Gyve

Re: Cylindrical diodes Missing during SMT process.

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 05:11:32 EDT 1999 | George Verboven

| | Hello everyone, | | We found many cylindrical diodes missing during SMT process. Could someone tell us how to prevent this problem? Is it effective to change the shape of stencil apture or reduce fan speed in reflow oven? Thanks in advance. | |

Re: Cylindrical diodes Missing during SMT process.

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 06:40:18 EDT 1999 | Gyver

| | | Hello everyone, | | | We found many cylindrical diodes missing during SMT process. Could someone tell us how to prevent this problem? Is it effective to change the shape of stencil apture or reduce fan speed in reflow oven? Thanks in advance. |

Re: Cylindrical diodes Missing during SMT process.

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 11:36:37 EDT 1999 | Jimmy G

| | | | Hello everyone, | | | | We found many cylindrical diodes missing during SMT process. Could someone tell us how to prevent this problem? Is it effective to change the shape of stencil apture or reduce fan speed in reflow oven? Thanks in advanc

Re: Cylindrical diodes Missing during SMT process.

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 15:10:14 EDT 1999 | Ian T

| | | | | Hello everyone, | | | | | We found many cylindrical diodes missing during SMT process. Could someone tell us how to prevent this problem? Is it effective to change the shape of stencil apture or reduce fan speed in reflow oven? Thanks in ad

Re: Cylindrical diodes Missing during SMT process.

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 25 01:25:49 EDT 1999 | Gyver

| | | | | | Hello everyone, | | | | | | We found many cylindrical diodes missing during SMT process. Could someone tell us how to prevent this problem? Is it effective to change the shape of stencil apture or reduce fan speed in reflow oven? Thanks i

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