Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 01 16:56:46 EST 2022 | rstellema
Hello all, I have a couple of old FUJI CP-6 SMT placement machines that are operating with very old PCMCIA Flash Memory cards. I would like to insure that I have back-ups should the memory cards fail. I assume that I would need a support USB reader/w
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 03 13:32:30 EST 2002 | Bob
Hi, Just to ease your mind a little. I have 15 years experiance on Fuji kit, and was the engineer in charge of over 30 CP6's. They are very robust and the electrical / electronic side is pretty bomb proof. The main thing to look out for is wear in
Electronics Forum | Tue May 24 05:25:17 EDT 2005 | Zsolt
We had similar problem, the root cause was that the cooling fans on the VME rack were not working and the vision card hangs up if the temperature is too high. Also check the power supplies, we had also a problem that the filter condensator inside the
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 15 20:44:00 EDT 2013 | dman97
So I swapped the memory card out and it seems to be a bit better. It doesn't kill the 24v power quite as much anymore. Thanks for the tip. I will monitor this throughout the week.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 23 10:26:53 EDT 2004 | exmaintenanceleader
Grant and all! CP-2 is the oldest fuji as I have been operated. CP-3 is built in 1989 as a new mc. Now 15 mc I now they runs in 3 shift widouth problems when they need countinous runing comes the problems. conroll card and relay contact problems at
Electronics Forum | Mon May 06 02:30:25 EDT 2002 | dszeto
We have continual vision process error 1CB02003 on narrow view camera during nozzle centering measurement. The wide view camera works properly. So far we have done the following things to rectify the problem but the problem still exists: 1. Replac
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 16 12:52:13 EDT 2005 | timekey
Steve- Depending on which Fuji model you have, Fuji PAM either needs to be purchased from Fuji or if you have a CP-7, CP-8 or NXT, Fuji PAM is already installed in the machine from the factory. The kit...if you are required to purchase it from Fuji i
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