Electronics Forum: metalization (Page 1 of 190)

Re: Chip on board - board metalization

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 08 20:28:54 EST 2001 | Dave F

Consider the recommendations of J-STD-012 as the baseline for your efforts.

Re: Chip on board - board metalization

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 09 13:19:40 EST 2001 | Rob K

Anyone want to convert to microns rather than micro inches? .... or would furlongs be better?

Chip on board - board metalization

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 08 07:46:52 EST 2001 | Juliano Vasconcelos

Hello everybody ! I�ve known thickness of gold over nickel board of chip on board (COB) boards are between 5 �n 15 microinches. A supplier suggested 1 to 4 microinches of gold over nickel ! Have someone any expierince about it ? I�m glad if you help

Re: Chip on board - board metalization

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 09 21:04:56 EST 2001 | Dave F

So true!!!! I'm with you 100%. I get so tired of those people with their metric this and that. You know what I do? If someone talks centimeters, I just mutiply it times 0.4 to get inches!!! And another thing, if I ever wanted to convert inches t

Re: Chip on board - board metalization

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 10 16:33:47 EST 2001 | Michael Parker

Furlongs? won't that be confusing and leave a lot to interpretation? Question: How long do you want it fur? Answer: 6 months, the unit will be obolete by then. and let's not forget the Animal Rights activists, they will have a field day if they beg

Re: Chip on board - board metalization

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 10 16:35:03 EST 2001 | Michael Parker

Furlongs? won't that be confusing and leave a lot to interpretation? Question: How long do you want it fur? Answer: 6 months, the unit will be obolete by then. and let's not forget the Animal Rights activists, they will have a field day if they beg

Re: Chip on board - board metalization

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 08 20:26:12 EST 2001 | Dave F

Ask your supplier if he will guarantee to cover rework, warranty, and lost business costs, if he's incorrect. Below 2uinch gold is very pourous and not worth anything in preventing corrosion of your nickel undercoat. 3 uinch has to be the absolute

loss of metalization on a Earth Pad on a chip component MPN-SBSGP5000102MXT

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 24 21:16:57 EDT 2020 | smith88

I am trying to teach a class and the question came up about loss of metalization of the Earth pad on a chip filter. This pad is on the side of the component. I can not find a IPC call out for this type of side termination other than 3 or 5 sided 9.1.

Used solder paste removal

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 07 14:52:09 EST 2003 | caldon

Any company reclaiming desired metals will be interested. Some of the companies also take used PCB's for the metal content. It is not very profitable but does help. Metal reclaim companies can be found on the net. One company that might be interested

Solder flux paste for Luxeon emitters

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 18 16:30:30 EST 2006 | davef

380SR-flux gel is sold by Cobar. Look here: http://www.lumileds.com/pdfs/AB10.PDF This application note suggests: * �#1;Metals 390DH4 * �#1;Metals LR735 * �#1;Metals NS4029 * ESP 6#1;412 * Cobar 380SR#1;flux gel Comments are: * "�#1;Metals" is "A

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