Electronics Forum: micro controller (Page 1 of 7)

Production Management for micro small firms

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 27 15:18:51 EDT 2014 | mrp

Hi. I decided to answer to your question, despite this is asked 2 years ago. I believe that my answer will be useful also for others, who visit Lean forums. I would recommend to use some proven MRP SaaS (cloud), because there are many such softwa

Production Management for micro small firms

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 27 22:03:48 EDT 2012 | davef

Here's some notes I've collected over the years on the topic ... Small MRP * I havent used it [DBA Manufacturing] yet but I do find myself keep coming back to it - I have been searching for a decent ERP system for my micro company for years. What I

Inline pcb laser etcher

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 21 22:37:07 EDT 2014 | acdc

Check out Control Micro Systems based out of Florida. They are solely dedicated to pcb laser etching.

Unloader YM12UL

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 12 04:07:16 EDT 2013 | nguyenhuubay

We are using Unloader - Model: YM 12UL - Type: A90502-1-1 - S/N: 2C5820 Due to long power off the machine, the battery is run out of power. So the program stored in RAM of NAIS MICRO CONTROL UNIT FP-M C32T (AF12342) is erased. Originally, The machi

Stencil maintenance approaches

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 09 08:02:14 EDT 2021 | majdi4

Hello Evtimov , two parammeters must be controlled : 1) Frames tension must be controlled with tension meter ( attached photo ) 2)Also stencil thikness must be controlled with a Micro meter palmer

PCBoard Marking

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 06 10:04:54 EDT 2001 | blnorman

We have started switching all our PCB marking from labels to Laser marking. We have a silkscreen patch put on the boards then use a CO2 laser to burn the mark off to produce the barcode. Our marking downtime has gone from an average of 8 hours a we

Barcoding PCB's

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 30 10:28:29 EDT 2007 | blnorman

I'd also recommend Control Micro Systems;4420 Metric Drive; Winter Park, Florida. We've been using one of their CO2 lasers for years to put a 2D code on our PCBs. 2D will save a lot of room and I'm told you can store more data. The laser drastical

Stencil Printer?

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 18 05:57:02 EST 2009 | sigmaprint

Hello Andy, When did you receive the reply "that they hadn't had any for years"? I would be interested to hear who sent you this. I'm a founder director of Sigmaprint and previously a employee of both SMTech and Speedline Technologies. I can curre

PCB edge connector

Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 19 06:42:01 EDT 2014 | timbo292832

im designing a circuit that will require the use of a edge connector so it can connect to another circuit. i need to do this so i can get both micro controllers communicating i have done a bit of research and am thinking about using a pcb manufact

Any one done SMT process for micro-lead frame?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 12 20:47:41 EDT 2001 | ianchan

Hi mates, anyone done SMT process for micro-lead frame (flip-chip)before? Appreciate any process control caution points from the experienced guys (yonder the deep blue seas) who have done this product before. 1) pcb thickness 2) pitch-to-pitch (co

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