Electronics Forum: miling (Page 1 of 7)

New Pick and Place Operation

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 04 10:39:32 EDT 2004 | drlou

All due respect, these guys are in North Carolina! I am in North Idaho. 3000 miles away.

Dynapert Sequencer- inserter

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 10 14:57:41 EST 2004 | dipnetfan

The machines are in Auburn CA which is 30 miles from Sacramento on I-80. Zip is 95603

Solder wave shutdown

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 25 15:26:59 EDT 2008 | wavemasterlarry

And i drive a Honnda now A CRV. Not sure what it stands for but it feels like a cylinder is missing. Blows some smoke but I'm still getting 35 miles to the quart. It's a brown one, so if you see me on the Illinois toll roads hong and wave. I'm d

Unconventional way of making a PCB

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 30 10:44:13 EST 2002 | V.RAMANAND KINI

Can you pls. suggest some CNC machines (small, table top) to do this by miling the copper? thanks

glue size

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 02 12:05:52 EST 2007 | slthomas

Not to mention the couple hunnert they save by NOT getting an air ride truck to ship a new inline printer. You'd be amazed at what an E5 can do to a pallet in 3000 miles. I can't believe the thing worked.

Solder flow Ni/Au

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 07 16:44:43 EST 2007 | realchunks

Well there ya go, this proves you can't engineer from your desk, thru a computer, miles away! I'm also surprised you answered back - most don't. Thanks Mark.

Solder paste transfer from jar to cartridge

Electronics Forum | Thu May 13 01:27:01 EDT 2010 | cobar

The problems that could be introduced by attempting to transfer paste into alternate containers far outweighs the penalty of wastage of paste.My grandmother doesnt receive a rebate from the filling stations because she only travels 50 miles a month w

Vi Technology AOI Software

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 08 07:27:53 EST 2016 | nonford150

I understand the want to save money, but the new software is miles ahead of the old. You'll save the money quickly with reduced false failures and pickups, allowing to ID process issues much quicker.

Moving SMT Line Suggestions

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 07 13:15:07 EST 2020 | pwebb17

Hello all, I am looking to move my prototype line (My600, Iineo II, Heller 9 zone oven) approximately 5 miles within Michigan (Detroit area). I am looking for suggestions for reputable companies. Thanks!

Re: solder balling

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 07 16:23:34 EDT 2000 | Ramon I Garcia C

Hi!!! Thanks frieds for your advising, I have a MPM UP2000, I'm going to chek the humidity control, too I'll chek the profiles again, this plant it's located close to the beach about 1/2 mile from. However if you know some table to calculate t

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