Electronics Forum: minimum heel fillet height (Page 1 of 2)

Heel bend wetting for Gull Wing lead

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 20:44:58 EDT 2007 | raychamp007

If the solder joint meeting, minimum side joint length(D) and also meeting, minimum heel fillet height (F) but the heel fillet NOT extend to the mid point of outside bend. It is acceptable?

Heel bend wetting for Gull Wing lead

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 20:49:39 EDT 2007 | raychamp007

3W. Figure 8-84 shown evidence of heel bend wetting(but no written criteria mention about the solder fillet must present at the heel bend). It is acceptable if the minimum D(3W/75%L)extend from toe which is no evidence of solder fillet at heel bend?

Solder Fillet

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 01 22:20:26 EDT 2008 | davef

Fillet Height [F]. Wetting is evident on the vertical surface of the termination as the minimum fillet height.

Insufficient Heel Fillets on plastic 240 pin QFPs

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 22 08:54:06 EST 2001 | dblsixes

I'm not familiar with Laser Soldering. I don't believe it to be a problem with the QFP themselves, since the two plastic parts are from different vendors in the same package. We also are having similar problems with other plastic parts on other boa

Insufficient Heel Fillets on plastic 240 pin QFPs

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 22 15:44:50 EST 2001 | pteerink

I have a board with QFP240 plastic package exhibiting the same characteristics. Minimum heel fillet that doesn't change with stencil mods, paste change, profile change etc ( I am working to class 2, though, so my pass spec, although they are not pret

Insufficient Heel Fillets on plastic 240 pin QFPs

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 22 15:45:20 EST 2001 | pteerink

I have a board with QFP240 plastic package exhibiting the same characteristics. Minimum heel fillet that doesn't change with stencil mods, paste change, profile change etc ( I am working to class 2, though, so mine pass spec, although they are not pr


Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 22 15:24:08 EDT 2023 | grayumm

Evtimov, here is a picture of what we are seeing. After evaluating with the IPC-A-610 book it looks like we are getting an insufficient Heel Fillet Height. I will add a picture of an example. UPDATE: i cannot figure out how to add a picture to this m

What is 'toe down configuration' IPC-A-610D?

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 00:25:25 EDT 2007 | raychamp007

Thanks davef! We found some SOIC & QFP with all leads having toe down problem. The heel fillet unable extend to the mid point outside bend. Do you have solutions for the problem? I have a question: How about the normal gull wing lead which is flat &

IPC-A-610D Question

Electronics Forum | Tue May 02 14:56:57 EDT 2006 | Tim Flat Ribbon, L, and Gull Wing Leads, Maximum Heel Fillet Height (E). For class 3 the heel fillet cannot touch the body of a plastic component, except for SOICs and SOTs. Why is my question? What type of failure will be the result of solder

Toe down configuration

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 06 09:27:49 EDT 2011 | rdouglass

Has anyone come across any good visuals for the solderability requirements for component leads with toe-down configuration? IPC-A-610 does not have any visual aids for this category and our inspectors are having a difficult time assessing based sole

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