Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 09 15:25:17 EDT 2015 | dev88
dear sir i am new for aoi section,my work will be teaching of aoi defect and related to programming, want to know how to make program easily in mirtec 4.1.1 and what are the different standard which we must understand.
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 01 02:45:47 EDT 2007 | laplooi
Whe have the Mirtec about 2 years now, the question is, that when you have 100 components to check he give's 20 to 30 failures that no failures are. are there people they have the same problem?
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 01 09:23:27 EDT 2007 | pjc
If you are in the Americas, I'd contact tech support and they should square you away on that high false call rate problem. They have great WebEx training and troubleshooting. www.mirtecusa.com
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 06 06:23:31 EST 2007 | clampron
Good Morning Roger, The Mirtec's can be adjusted to lower your false call rate. This can be done by reducing the matching percentage for each componnent but the result of this action is that the machine becomes less selective. If you lower them too
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 26 22:59:46 EDT 2017 | navworx
Great posting. We're looking at AOI for the first time and are trying to understand the pros/cons of 2D, 2D+, and 3D. M, can you discuss what size parts are too small for the Mirtec MV-3L?
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 27 11:53:36 EDT 2021 | dontfeedphils
When I was looking at Mirtec (4-5 years ago) I wasn't very impressed compared to Koh Young. It was easy to tell that Koh Young started with 3D and then added 2d features where needed, and that Mirtec had done the opposite. There's nothing wrong wit
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 16 02:29:38 EDT 2017 | cpcompany
Dear All. My name is Casey Park from Starworks Korea. These days we purchased pre-owned Mirtec MV-9 inline 3D AOI from a customer site and have it fully refurbished and upgraded by Mirtec HQ. If anyone has a plan to invest 3D AOI or upgrade old 2D
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 06 02:55:10 EST 2015 | arct1c
Hi, we are looking for 1 or 2 new postreflow AOI machines to replace our old ones and possibly 1 prereflow AOI(we never had pre reflow before). In our company we run low volumes and high volumes. I have been looking at Viscom, Mirtec mostly, Cyberop
Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 03 07:46:25 EDT 2019 | makersan
Hi to everyone, We want to buy an AOI machine, What are the essential features for the AOI machine? We couldn't decide between 2D and 3D, our highest component is about 2cm. The smallest case we use is 0402. Which product should we choose consideri
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 06 07:46:33 EST 2015 | clampron
Good Morning RedChilli, I have worked with Mirtec for quite a few years. I have looked at some of the other machines mentioned but have no practical experience with them. I started with the Mirtec MV-2 (long ago)due to the success of this platform,