Electronics Forum: mirtec aoi how to program aoi (Page 1 of 24)

how to make program in mirtec aoi

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 09 15:25:17 EDT 2015 | dev88

dear sir i am new for aoi section,my work will be teaching of aoi defect and related to programming, want to know how to make program easily in mirtec 4.1.1 and what are the different standard which we must understand.


Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 23 12:44:48 EDT 2002 | daanterstegge

Another issue to look at is the efforts that it takes to become familiar with the machine. Where I work we are also looking into AOI machines, and one of our requirements (based on how simple the vendors say their machines are) is that after no more


Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 20 14:23:50 EDT 2002 | larryk

PizzaFred, Scott mentioned lots of good ideas. Take one of your boards to each vendor and see what it takes to program the board how long it takes for it to become online. I've found some that are easy to program, but require 40 or more assemblies to


Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 19 21:46:01 EDT 2002 | scottefiske

In the past year I was responsible for developing and leading a Team focused on AOI, Evaluation, Justification, and with a full ROI required, supporting a HMLV manufacturing environment. If you have in these economic times the additional resources t

Mirtec aoi

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 06 06:23:31 EST 2007 | clampron

Good Morning Roger, The Mirtec's can be adjusted to lower your false call rate. This can be done by reducing the matching percentage for each componnent but the result of this action is that the machine becomes less selective. If you lower them too

aoi programming

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 19 18:03:56 EDT 2018 | spikesnpearls

hello i am a new aoi programmer and i was wondering how to choose/change what type of lighting it uses while scanning the board.i use a yestech ytv-fx

aoi inline

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 03 17:00:57 EDT 2001 | mparker

Start with a definition of what you expect the AOI to achieve at each station. Will your in-line machine be post print? Place (pre-reflow) or post reflow? Rather than buy one very expensive machine to put at the end of the line, maybe a couple of

AOI Mirtec make program

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 16 17:53:26 EDT 2016 | haqtien09590

I want to make badmark for AOI program. Help me! How to work? thank you

AOI Mirtec make program

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 16 19:17:33 EDT 2016 | padawanlinuxero

First of all Do you have the badmark option on your AOI?

AOI Mirtec make program

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 17 07:06:35 EDT 2016 | jdengler

If you cover the first fid of that module the machine will stop. You can then choose to skip the module.

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