Electronics Forum: mirtec offset (Page 1 of 1)

AOI-problems lifted lead on qfp-100

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 02 15:26:59 EDT 2010 | rway

Possible, but difficult. What algorithm programs are you referring to? Mirtec and YesTech both utilize algorithms in their respective software. The algorithm is simply a series of instructions to perform the inspection. In this case, rules-based,

Mirtec MV-7U Laser Height Measurment

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 07 14:52:43 EDT 2020 | glasscake

Does anyone have a comprehensive manual or some pages on how to setup/how the laser height functions work on a Mirtec MV-7U? (Mirtec Inspector 4.5.6) Even a sentence describing what each input for these tools do would be amazing. I FINALLY was able

Mirtec MV-7U Laser Height Measurment

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 12 17:57:32 EDT 2020 | glasscake

Due Diligence Post: Figured out my issue with the laser itself, it was set up in RS422 mode and it should have been setup in 0-10v analog out. As far as actually using the tools i have not got that far yet but I will DD again when I get that far. I


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