Electronics Forum: mpm and camera and light (Page 1 of 4)

samsung cp40 help for problem with fiducial camera and fixing camera

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 30 07:25:09 EDT 2015 | buckcho

Hello, I haven't worked with such machine, but do you have a led lighting, like in cp45, which is newer? Maybe there is something wrong with it and it is not lighting up?

Single-view camera in Topaz-X and connector type element

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 10 05:40:27 EST 2019 | compit

It turned out that only SF heads support "fine" mode, while FNC does not. Probably because above the FNC nozzle there is a "circle" rotating the nozzles, and in fine mode it can interfere with the reflection of the camera light - the element is lower

MPM Up2000 and SMEMA

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 12 09:26:00 EDT 2016 | awhite

Our MPM Up2000 HIE is having a communication problem with any upstream machine we place in front of it...i.e. conveyor, board loader, etc. It all started when we removed a conveyor from inbetween it and a board loader, and hooked those machines up di

MPM Accuflex questions and issues

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 15 13:46:16 EST 2018 | aemery

Griinder, Maybe it's me, but I think what you might be saying here is that you see a reflected image of the PCB or Stencil when you and teaching the fiducials and it is interfering with the teaching routine, is that correct? If this is true it is c

MPM Up2000 and SMEMA

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 14 23:30:30 EDT 2016 | ariss_t

Hi, my 2cent.. u could try to check the sensibility of the camera board stop sensor.. maybe it detect something i.e support block.. do reply when u found the actual root cause.. thanks..

MPM Up2000 and SMEMA

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 15 06:45:26 EDT 2016 | awhite

Hi Ariss_T, Thanks! I actually did check that...that was one of my first thoughts as well. While in the I/O, I slide a raw board back and forth under the camera/sensor and it acted appropriately. I will definitely update this thread as new informa

MPM Accuflex questions and issues

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 14 09:27:17 EST 2018 | cyber_wolf

On AP machines it is possible to mount the camera 180 degrees out. Not sure if this can happen on Accuflex.

MPM Accuflex problems and errors

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 30 06:27:22 EDT 2010 | ristikas

It happens on the middle of the stecil cleaning. The camera and the cleaner will stay under stencil in half way back. Then machine asking the initate the motors. If to press initate then the pcb stopper will hit the rails. Usually we move camera and

MPM Accuflex problems and errors

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 26 06:58:06 EDT 2010 | ristikas

Hello, We have here very oftenly one error in our MPM Accuflex. I dont know who to ask about that errors... The error is „The transfer light peam interlock has been broken. Remove the obstacle from the path of the beam.“ I checked the sensors and

MPM Accuflex questions and issues

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 10 10:08:04 EST 2018 | griinder

We recently acquired used MPM Accuflex. Immediately I noticed the live vision is mirrored. This makes it incredibly difficult to teach fiducials. I noticed some smudges on the lens, which leads me to believe the camera assembly was "worked on" at som

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