Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 05 08:35:29 EDT 2001 | PeteC
I believe this machine is now the MPM UP 100 and is supported thru Speedline Technologies-MPM and is now mfg.'d in Franklin Mass.
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 23 02:43:37 EST 2021 | gabriel1blue
We just came out with a new problem with these machines. We had to shutdown for a a few weeks due to Covid-19 and now they have errors when we start them up. Looks like the back up batteries died and after we replaced all of them the settings are com
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 12 09:26:00 EDT 2016 | awhite
Our MPM Up2000 HIE is having a communication problem with any upstream machine we place in front of it...i.e. conveyor, board loader, etc. It all started when we removed a conveyor from inbetween it and a board loader, and hooked those machines up di
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 13 02:31:50 EDT 2016 | bukas
board input sensor sensitivity? maybe conveyor movement triggers it and because of that it sends pulse. conveyor moves few millimeters, how does machine act?
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 13 07:32:51 EDT 2016 | bukas
that sounds like bad relay or relay control. are you in position to check it on relay pins? I would go from there.
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 14 23:30:30 EDT 2016 | ariss_t
Hi, my 2cent.. u could try to check the sensibility of the camera board stop sensor.. maybe it detect something i.e support block.. do reply when u found the actual root cause.. thanks..
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 13 08:09:53 EDT 2009 | kudamarani08
Can anyone help me recommend or simulate a SPI and AOI machine that can balance our FUJI NXT 1 with 14 modules. We are using MPM accela printer. 200 UPH is our target. Here's the PCB dimension length(x) = 399.92mm width(y) = 141.626mm Thanks all!
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 14 02:41:49 EDT 2016 | bukas
here is well explained SMEMA interface http://www.daghee.com/?p=326 so, disconnect printer from upline modules and check are any 2 of 4 pins shortened(should be pins No 1 & 2) while machine is ready state. when machine is in busy state the same pin
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 15 06:45:26 EDT 2016 | awhite
Hi Ariss_T, Thanks! I actually did check that...that was one of my first thoughts as well. While in the I/O, I slide a raw board back and forth under the camera/sensor and it acted appropriately. I will definitely update this thread as new informa
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 13 22:56:22 EDT 2009 | cpcompany
Can anyone help me recommend or simulate a SPI > and AOI machine that can balance our FUJI NXT 1 > with 14 modules. We are using MPM accela printer. > 200 UPH is our target. > > Here's the PCB > dimension > > length(x) = 399.92mm width(y) = >