Electronics Forum: mpm eng (Page 1 of 1)

board-lok for printers

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 01 17:46:30 EST 2003 | MA/NY DDave

Hi I keep getting these flyers and wonder if anyone has used this particular type tooling from Transition Automation http://www.board-lok.com for DEK or MPM printers. I searched the archives and didn't find anything via "board-lok" or "board lok"

Printer and Reflow Oven Recommendations

Electronics Forum | Fri May 22 17:48:48 EDT 2015 | aemery

It's your first line, go with established manufacturers. Whether new or used it ultimately comes down to does the tool do the job and how well is it supported (labor/parts) if it does break down. I am a former field eng. with Speedline and now run

Re: Information about screen printing

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 23 11:11:35 EDT 1998 | Russ Miculich

Hi Guys, Don't forget about us. Visit our web site. www.smtech.com for info on printers that compete with DEK and MPM and are newly designed. Contact me via email or give me a call to discuss what it is about screen printing (not stencil printing?

Recomendations? Fuji CP7 or Univ HSP4797?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 23 10:05:17 EDT 2004 | exmaintenanceleader

Hi Grant, I'm ex Fuji service engineer I install also at Sagem Czecz Republik (Kladnow near Prague) in 2000 they use at new lines MPM- 2XCP643E and 1xUniversal GSM (French owen (I do not remember the exacly tipe) at second hand line they use 2x and

Re: Avoiding Blood letting on stencil printer

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 14 15:33:48 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach

| | | | | We suffered our first blood letting because of razor sharp edge clamps (DEK 265LT) and operator giving it the finger. While positioning magnetic tooling pins, one of our best slipped and really sliced off a part of his main digit. This will

Re: Avoiding Blood letting on stencil printer

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 14 17:05:14 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| | | | | | We suffered our first blood letting because of razor sharp edge clamps (DEK 265LT) and operator giving it the finger. While positioning magnetic tooling pins, one of our best slipped and really sliced off a part of his main digit. This wi


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