Electronics Forum: mpm up2000 or up2000 hie (Page 1 of 11)

up2000 HiE hates me

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 01 15:21:41 EST 2006 | Tim G.

Me usta werk for DEK hate MPM!

up2000 HiE hates me

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 02 05:52:21 EST 2006 | Rob

Me usta use DEKs (& their crappy paste inspection), love MPM's.

Want order Mpm up2000

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 23 04:41:15 EST 2006 | Fbz China

Want purchase serial number: Mpm up2000 or Ap hie telephone number:086-13823203214 email: fbzgr@vip.163.com

up2000 HiE hates me

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 31 13:25:21 EST 2006 | john_smith

Don't you just love those good ole MPM printers? Don't worry they hate us too.

up2000 HiE hates me

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 31 17:41:15 EST 2006 | slthomas

"Switch the gender switch to M if you are female, or F if male. " Never had an MPM but I've heard some of the modern iterations have a "T" position, in which case you'd be screwed. Oh, wait....

mpm UP2000 or mpm AP-25

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 26 07:59:33 EDT 2012 | benreben

Hi, Someone can tell me what the difference in UP2000 and AP-25? What is the best machine? Thanks

mpm UP2000 or mpm AP-25

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 26 11:42:19 EDT 2012 | comatose

I have an ap-25 and wish i had gotten the UP-2000 instead. How's that for an answer? The main difference is that the ap-25 uses linear motors and air bearings, whereas the up-2000 uses ball screws. The linear motors are faster, but the whole thing i


Electronics Forum | Thu May 24 02:09:29 EDT 2007 | einat

I would like to learn more about the differences between the two. Which one do you recommend more and why? Also if someone can stand on the differences between: MPM UP 3000 HI E MPM UP 3000 MPM UP 2000 HI E MPM UP 2000 Any information would help!

MPM AccuFlex

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 25 00:46:01 EST 2003 | Dreamsniper

Is MPM AccuFlex a replacement for UP1500 and is inferior to UP2000 or is it a higher level product of MPM as compared to UP2000? Has anyone evaluated and compared this machine with the UP2000 HiE? thanks and regards,

MPM UP2000 HIE Windows XP?

Electronics Forum | Wed May 29 18:41:09 EDT 2013 | navworx

Hello, We have a used 2003 (refurbed by MPM in 2006) UP2000 HIE printer that runs NT 4.0. On the computer case is a Microsoft WinXP hologram sticker - does this mean that the printer can be updated to Win XP?

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