Electronics Forum: msl over 10 years (Page 1 of 44)

electrovert Omniflow 10

Electronics Forum | Tue May 07 09:26:38 EDT 2013 | emeto

Hello knowledgeable people, we have Omniflow 10Zone oven from 3-4 years and we changed over 20 blowers. The blower is German and I think is a very good quality(quite expensive too), but still keep getting bad. Does anyone have similar problem? Do yo

Conformal over No-Clean

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 26 10:42:28 EDT 2002 | Jim M.

I worked for a telecom company that had sites in the deserts, jungles, mountains and regular built up area's. All boards were built using Aim 291/293 No clean solder paste. (all boards built to Bellcore standard) The boards were coated with Dymax ur

QFN welding problem by reflux oven 10 zones

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 11 13:22:22 EST 2020 | rgduval

Sebas, I suspect that your finding of needing the fillet for the card to work is a false finding. One that I dealt with for many years in assembly. As a bottom terminated device, a fillet to the side terminals of the device is not required. Adequ

Baking of Thick film resistor chip required

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 26 08:13:47 EDT 2017 | spoiltforchoice

MSL 1 is unlimited factory floor time before reflow. I have spools that are 10+ years old and haven't encountered any issues using those parts. It goes without saying those parts are not exactly used in volume so its not a massive sample but that is

reliability of oxidized SMT parts soldered with SnPb

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 28 09:38:14 EDT 2012 | 14367

PSMN130-200D MOSFET TRANSISTOR D2PAK - failure of some parts led to investigation, oxidization or surface contamination was noticed on remaining parts. The surface contamination could be removed when fingernail was drawn over the bottom terminating s

reliability of oxidized SMT parts soldered with SnPb

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 28 09:38:20 EDT 2012 | 14367

PSMN130-200D MOSFET TRANSISTOR D2PAK - failure of some parts led to investigation, oxidization or surface contamination was noticed on remaining parts. The surface contamination could be removed when fingernail was drawn over the bottom terminating s

MSL Project

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 09 04:10:18 EST 2012 | grahamcooper22

Hi, I've been supplying Totech dry cabinets in the Uk for 10 years and in that time I've realised the only places to find the correct MSL level is on the dry pack the devices are shipped in or by spending hours on the internet or speaking to the devi

5% color spot in HIC

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 23 08:35:33 EDT 2012 | grahamcooper22

The lower the RH in the MBB the better for all moisture sensitive devices. Maintaining less then 5% will mean no parts of between 2a-5a MSL will need drying before use. The calculation uses 10% because it is a sensible amount of desiccant to use base

MSD Packaging Standard

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 20 11:58:16 EST 2006 | Rob

We try and do it all (Vac pack, dessicant, indicator card, MSL level, PBT, end termination material etc.) however it throws a spanner in the works if you pull a manufacturer's sealed pack from stock and the vacuum has gone where an edge of a tray has

quad 4c

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 25 16:10:27 EST 2002 | btaylor

I have run the 4Cs for over 8 years it has been a good little machine. We use it for placing 10 mil pitch flip chips. I buy the yearly insurance through Tyco every year.

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