Electronics Forum: multiplate (Page 1 of 69)

Large Radius Curved LED Lighting Designs (Multiple feet)

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 13 14:35:50 EST 2023 | carl_p

We also just join multiple boards via connectors.

Multiple reflows

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 31 13:02:01 EST 2013 | dontfeedphils

Are you talking about double sided reflow or just multiple passes for one side? If you're running multiple passes for one side, why?

Cost Per Placement

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 22 12:00:33 EDT 2018 | slthomas

Can you describe the scenario that gives you multiple p/n's with the same specifications in the same BOM? I can understand having multiples in your inventory (primarily if you're a CMS and have multiple listings for different customers) but not per

Re: Poor solderability

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 09 22:08:45 EST 2000 | Dave F

Russ: You've got stop soft-peddling this stuff. This doesn't sound like "poor solderability." It sounds like "no solderability." It also sounds like you�re dead meat. Three places to call: 1 Board supplier to get their suggestions on unsolderab

Multiple reflows

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 31 11:09:38 EST 2013 | emeto

Hello folks, we would in certain cases run a PCB second time through reflow. I never trusted a board that is reflowed multiple times and I wonder am I really right? Can we reflow boards multiple times? What are the limits? Does it depend on the PCB

Multiple AOI systems

Electronics Forum | Thu May 10 13:08:28 EDT 2001 | anthonyb

Can multiple AOI systems in a production line be cost effective or should I use a single tool?

Fuji feeder E-clips

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 02 15:38:48 EDT 2008 | jdengler

When I worked for a larger manufacturer that had multiple lines and multiple shifts we had this problem. Then we trained and rotated all of the operators through feeder maintenance. After having to fix 100 or so feeders from operator damage they us

file converter

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 13 05:09:25 EST 2014 | aflex

There are multiple online tools that help you in converting .paf files to multiple extension (from video/audio files to pdf files)

Juki gang picking same part number

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 23 07:42:25 EST 2018 | robl

Hi James, Thank you for answering. We can simultaneously pick multiple different part numbers with no problem, but we cannot generate programs simultaneously picking the same part number from multiple feeders on our Juki's. We can on our Yamaha's.

Large Radius Curved LED Lighting Designs (Multiple feet)

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 06 12:41:07 EST 2023 | jdengler

We make PCB assemblies for an RGB arc that is made up of multiple curved PCB's that have connectors on the ends to plug together. I think the end the radius of the arc is 2 feet. Jerry

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