Electronics Forum: mv-3l and side and camera (Page 1 of 2)

Top camera inspection and side camera

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 02 04:02:18 EDT 2010 | manju2cool

Hi, I think concept of inspection through AOI is changing. I am struck in confusion.Because some manufacturer say 3D inspection, with 1+4 cameras is ultimate solution. Orbotech also came with 13 cameras at once!Now some say, all these are eyewashing

Top camera inspection and side camera

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 02 14:11:21 EDT 2010 | bigdaddysoy9

Manjunath, I prefer orthogonal systems. In my experience they are actually better at detecting coplanarity and HIP defects than multi camera systems. They are obviously limited, in that they can not inspect a component under another component, b

Top camera inspection and side camera

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 02 10:26:13 EDT 2010 | fishingfool

Manjunath The top camera will be used for probably 90-95% of your inspection needs. However, without side cameras that 5-10% of uninspected parts can be a real pain to manually verify. What you need to figure out is what is your product to inspe

Single-view camera in Topaz-X and connector type element

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 10 05:40:27 EST 2019 | compit

It turned out that only SF heads support "fine" mode, while FNC does not. Probably because above the FNC nozzle there is a "circle" rotating the nozzles, and in fine mode it can interfere with the reflection of the camera light - the element is lower

Cyberoptics Flex ultra HR camera alignement and calibration

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 19 21:37:17 EDT 2021 | ouaret

dear all, update: we got that the calibration of SIM is the problem, the distance between SIMs need to be calibrated. can someone help us get the manual that describe on how to calibrate the SIMs? we have a problem with our cyberoptics AOI machine

Comparison between Vitech and Mirtec

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 10 18:35:05 EST 2011 | eadthem

Ive used a Mirtec machine for 3 years MV3L with side angle inspection. Mirtec has some issues documentation, and repair plus. But there machine is impressive and the AOI software is good. We can find about 90-99.99% of all errors using just the 5

JUKI KE2060R and KE2060L

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 21 04:23:16 EDT 2009 | smtbox

R series Features FCS (Flex Calibration System) highly regarded easy maintenance just got even easier! The optional FCS calibration jig is a simple to use system to re-calibrate placement accuracy. The machine automatically picks and places jig comp

IP1 and SSOP28

Electronics Forum | Tue May 18 21:43:02 EDT 2010 | ashley

Hello mickd, 1) The EL data & Vision_type is NOT necessary when using MCS30 for IP1 machine. note : your input of the above might have cause confusion during VP, hence the OS error. 2) I would suggest the following... 2a) lower the Lead_check_are

MPM Accuflex problems and errors

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 30 05:27:06 EDT 2010 | accuspares

Hi, Can you tell me at what point in the print cycle the error happens and if it consistently happens at the same point? The machine has two crash beams running down either side of the machine as a safety measure to ensure the table is down before

MPM Accuflex questions and issues

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 15 13:46:16 EST 2018 | aemery

Griinder, Maybe it's me, but I think what you might be saying here is that you see a reflected image of the PCB or Stencil when you and teaching the fiducials and it is interfering with the teaching routine, is that correct? If this is true it is c

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