Electronics Forum: mviif (Page 1 of 3)

MV2C PCB Camera -- Need replacement

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 06 11:02:51 EDT 2005 | ratsalad

By the way, forget what I said about swapping the large parts with the PCB camera. I thought in my MVIIF training course they said all three are the same... Maybe they are on the MVIIF, but definately not on the MVIIC.

MPA-V or IIIF Users?

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 22 17:03:59 EST 2001 | williamh

I have been using an MPAV and MVIIF for about 3 1/2 years and have had some difficulties, mainly with the MPAV. After only 2 1/2 years of use we had to replace the laser because we were having alot of QFP's being mismounted. That was an $8,000 expe

PANASERT MviiF Nozzles Breaking Frequently

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 18 02:19:50 EDT 2007 | vijayanandh

PANASERT MViiF --> PANASERT MSF --> BTU Reflow Currently we're facing massive problems with MViiF(chip shooter) nozzles being damaged and broken. Anyone around who is facing the similar problems? We're looking into the feeders (worn out base/problem

About Part descriptions in Panasonic MVII-F chip shooter.

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 20 13:05:23 EST 2000 | aldo r. maldonado

i am getting a lot of dimension variation in some chip parts (like coils). Using Panasonic MVII-F chip shooter, I am inspecting the part with transmissive lighting (back ligth)centering with the square shape of the part. I attempted to trick the mach

Insertion Optimization

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 15 09:22:59 EDT 1998 | Sergio Luiz Vito

Hello, I am working in optimization of PANASERT MVIIF insertion programs and need some help. The result of PANAPRO HOST OPTIMIZATION is not too good - Sometimes assembly time after optimization is poor than original program (With no panapro host opt

Re: About Part descriptions in Panasonic MVII-F chip shooter.

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 20 16:37:41 EST 2000 | JAX

Long time, no see Doc. If you want to use an SOJ algorithm you can probably get away with manipulating the height of the part to get the lighting to refract in the areas you need to. Beware of parts parachuting if you adjust to much, although you sho

Re: chip shooter

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 16 00:23:05 EDT 1999 | KEVIN SIMPSON

| | I am begining to evaluate hi speed chip shooters. We are interested in the Panasonic MV2E. Does anyone have any experience with the turret style placement equipment, Panisonic in particular. | | Thanks, | | Jeff | | | | hi jeff, i have about 4


Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 24 20:18:51 EDT 1998 | S. L. Vito

I am studing the possibility of a line with one Siemens SIPLACE 80 F and a PANASONIC machine (cam be a MSH-G3 or MVIIF (m) or MSHII (m)). I have several reasons to do this, but i would like to know more details about operating this kind of line. Can


Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 25 12:43:47 EDT 1998 | Lance Smalley

Panasonic Factory Automation now has (or soon will) software to balance with other companies' machines. I don't know how it works yet, but is an option Lance | I am studing the possibility of a line with one Siemens SIPLACE 80 F and a PANASONIC machi

PANASERT MviiF Nozzles Breaking Frequently

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 18 09:22:12 EDT 2007 | ed_faranda

You're on the right track. 99% of the time, it is caused by a feeder not seating correctly. Check and ensure that all your tape covers are down and LOCKED (very important). Which type of feeders are you using Q or K? One thing I have found with K

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