Electronics Forum: mycronic] (Page 1 of 13)

Mycronic vs. Juki: Your Opinions?

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 17 15:33:18 EDT 2023 | tey422

If just choosing from Mycronic & Juki, I agree with Sr. Tech

Mycronic vs. Juki: Your Opinions?

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 17 14:41:28 EDT 2023 | emeto

Your request looks like a low volume machine will do it. Juki and Mycronic are both reputable manufacturers that make good quality machines. I did work with both and can say mainly good things about these machines. Now some interesting things to cons

Other Jet Printer besides MYCRONIC?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 23 10:54:07 EST 2019 | nathanmcdonough

As Josh hinted, the majority of jet valve manufacturers aren't in the business of making machines. It's usually down to other companies (such as MYCRONIC) to integrate the JET valves into usable machinery, and besides MYCRONIC I can't think of anyone

Does anyone have Mycronics manuals for M15 and M19?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 19 12:19:19 EDT 2016 | dnelson_azp

We are trying get Mycronics manuals for old M15 and M19, can anyone point us in the right direction? Or better yet, supply pdf manuals?

Mycronic/Mydata MY19 planning on buying

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 25 17:15:08 EST 2020 | SMTA-Alex

All the TM feeders are obsolete. So, you won't find anything on them from Mycronic. The TM8FC is the one you want for 0402s.

My700 Alternatives

Electronics Forum | Tue May 16 09:46:25 EDT 2023 | tommy_magyar

Being a user or former user of both machines (user of Mycronic MY600, former user of Essemtec Scorpion used for adhesive dispensing), it really depends on the need of your business. We use the Mycronic jet printer for multiple processes: SMT printing

Mycronic and windows 11

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 20 01:10:36 EDT 2023 | daniel_stanphill

We are trying to upgrade our computers to windows 11 and are now unable to use Mycenter and MyPlan. Does anyone have any experience setting up a virtual machine to run mycronic applications?

Mycronic/Mydata MY19 planning on buying

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 25 15:28:07 EST 2020 | SMTA-Alex

TPSys is the machine operating system, proprietary from Mydata (Mycronic, now). It's based on Linux. You have to purchase the upgrades from Mycronic. Depending on which version you're upgrading from, the cost might vary. If the machine you're buying

New to solder paste jetprinting

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 07 15:23:10 EDT 2020 | spoiltforchoice

MyCronic are literally the only ones in the market, Essemtec do Jet printing but make no attempt to sell it as a full printer replacement in the way MyCronic do. I was told by MyCronic "The MY500's are reducing in numbers now and spares support is co

MYCRONIC Hydra Theta encoder signal noisy error

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 30 19:37:17 EDT 2022 | jzeivel

I have an MY200DX mycronic pick and place machine. I recently started getting this error "F-MOT-MOVENICE HYDRA Theta2/1295: Encoder Signal is noisy". Has anyone else ever had this error? The machine will still run, but this error will pop up rando

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