Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 14 11:35:32 EST 2011 | eezday
I have had this problem and I've resolved it. I don't have access to the PW at this moment but I've requested it be sent to me. Please don't give up on this thread. Try these passwords: "anders" and "akuankka"
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 26 09:41:56 EDT 2001 | DaveG
We put a barcode on each feeder & machine that is used to track the maintenance history of that feeder & machine. A simple Symbol Technologies barcode scanner is used with a pc to scan the BC. This is used to access a database that shows when & what
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 24 18:26:26 EDT 2001 | gregcr
I am hoping to find out what database format is used in the component library in the Universal Software for the 4785 chipshooter. The format is something like dbase or foxpro or access. This is an old program and I would like to connect to the comp
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 27 23:51:10 EDT 2009 | leadthree
I have a little problem. We are assembly subcontractor and we purchase most parts ourselves. Currently we have all BOM/Partlists in an Excel format. We get a few RFQ each month, prices come from well known original sources, Mouser, Digikey etc. and
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 09 20:18:31 EDT 2020 | jlawson
Can not speak for CircuitCam is made by Aegis Software I veliveve sound like need to get understanding of how tool is supposed to work to extract-create centroid positions. Using Gerber Only is a pattern match and cacluate logic process - ie make pac
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 26 12:41:07 EST 2017 | bk
It also could be that your user level that you are logged in on may not have access to change parameters
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 09 15:26:15 EDT 2003 | CLampron
Good Afternoon, We have just comleted an in depth discussion about just this subject. We also have Mydata equipment and are facing the same problems. These are the conclusions that we came to: 1) Mydata has a formula for creating package names assu
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 23 10:33:40 EDT 1999 | Clifford Peaslee
Hello all, Sometime in the evening of Tuesday the 24th we will be upgrading our database to MSSQL server from MSAccess. This conversion process should take no more than a couple of hours. During this time the site will be down and you will not be ab
Electronics Forum | Wed May 20 12:44:51 EDT 2015 | superlen
I'm not sure on T-Solution, but the older CP45 machines use an access .mdb database.
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 13 18:37:16 EDT 2020 | sarason
This error is an error from an Access database table. SO could be a damaged database file, a locked file associated with administration priviledges, or maybe the file server isn't running or there has been a change of file server ID etc. sarason