Electronics Forum: mydata tool kit supplier (Page 1 of 1)

MyData tool damage

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 05 09:24:53 EST 2005 | cyber_wolf

Well...here is what I can tell you: I have over $40K worth of bent A12,A13,A14 tools.Yes you heard me right $40K worth. (Since 1995) Mydata used to make a repair kit to fix them but decided to quit. They tell me the reason they quit making the kit i

MyData tool damage

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 05 10:55:12 EST 2005 | OverTheHill

WOW Sr.Tech, 40K worth of bent tools? I'm about ready to be sh*t canned because of 1K's worth. As for trimming the mags, the product is running fine (many boards) and then out of nowhere the tool bends, so I assume my PERFECT operators trimmed the ma

Mydata tools

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 13 16:52:48 EST 2006 | FredC

Billy- I have some Mydata tools now, they are from another supplier. I am something of a perfectionest and these are not up to the quality standards of the nozzles that we make ourselves, but my supplier does replace his defective parts. If you have

Stick on robber/thief pads for wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 19 09:49:20 EST 2004 | davef

Not as such. Choices are: 1 Cut and epoxy some board foil from your board fabricator. 2 Sacrifice part a pad repair kits from the likes of: * Engineering Lab 905-785-1982 * Circuit Technology Center 978-374-5000 * General assembly suppliers catalog

When to implement high speed pick and place machines?

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 04 05:15:40 EST 2014 | spoiltforchoice

Take a look at the ROI tools supplied my MyData and others and draw inspiration from there. Presumably if you are looking at a higher speed line you are looking at higher throughput than you currently achieve or possibly fewer/shorter shifts? The eco

repair the BGA/CSP device

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 14 08:56:39 EDT 2001 | davef

Cal is right on target. I'll expand on his points. BGA solder perform suppliers: * Winslow Automation: http://www.winslowautomation.com/ * Galahad 12784 Tulipwood Circle Boca Raton, FL 33428 561-487-0271 galahad.inc@usa.netemail: BGAKIT@concentric

Reel splicing

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 14 12:11:17 EDT 2014 | rgduval

We used to use the Tapesplicer tool available from http://www.tapesplice.com (Sierra Electronics), in a high mix, low volume environment with MyData's (older feeders). Short review: It worked. Longer review: First, technique is everything. Splicin

High Mix/Low Volume Part Kitting

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 23 20:46:41 EDT 2005 | darby

If I had my way - the person checking the incoming kit should be able to at least run, troubleshoot and preferably programme the SMT line. In fact they should be an expert.They have the paper work in front of them for that job. If the tape is cut - t

Re: Set-up times

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 28 01:17:57 EST 1998 | Earl Moon

| SMT-ers | | I notice that most suppliers provide data that is eye-catching but avoid providing data of significant technical relevance, such as Cp and Cpk. It would perhaps be a wise idea for standards to be formulated in this area. | For


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