Electronics Forum: navy (Page 1 of 1)

SMT Classes

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 31 21:58:21 EDT 2001 | dougk

Has anyone heard of the quality of the electronics classes through the EMPF (i.e. American Competitiveness Institute, Navy 'Mantech' program)?

Section 8a Certification

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 24 12:51:47 EDT 2008 | wavemasterlarry

I got my section 8 from the navy. Not sure why they did that to me but they said I wasn't right. I didn't know I could be certified in it. Not sure I would want to be anyway.

Degolding Pretinning

Electronics Forum | Sun May 02 11:44:03 EDT 2010 | davef

J-STD-001 is your base requirement, but MIL and SPACE have stringent requirements for soldering gold plated terminals, e.g. this typical one: http://xweb.nrl.navy.mil/glast/CALDesign/CDE/CAL%20DPD%20Wire%20Cable%20Soldering%20and%20Staking%20Spec%20

Shear Strength of Tinned Leads

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 08 12:46:02 EDT 2003 | davef

When I was a salty old fart in the Navy, we sent the babes from the turnip patch off on snipe hunts. Shear tests are [in my opinion] senseless. The shear stress you measure depends more on the shear rate and on the point where the force is applied

looking for a Micro Solde

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 14 11:31:32 EDT 2003 | Ming Diaz

People, I have a hand soldering station made, according the label, by Analytic Technology. I think it is French manufacture. Can't find it on the net, I wonder if it's no longer made. If I can find another unit I'll buy it. Most of all I need rep

choosing a type semi-automatic stencil printer

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 22 00:14:08 EDT 2004 | snehal acharya

we are in Process controls field we have set up our own SMT line , we have MYDATA TP9-2U Pick & Place M/C & reflow oven & manual printer. since now our product demand is increasing so for enhancement of the quality & for speedy production i wanted to

Wave Solder

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 01 22:21:06 EST 2007 | davef

From our notes ... An intense evaluation was completed in 1992 that involved testing of three board types [6 layer FR4, 6 layer ceramic copper thick film, and a 4 layer copper-invar-copper board] by the Navy Surface Warfare Center, Crane, IN. [Obvio

dynamic/static contamination test

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 02 17:15:48 EST 2006 | Mike Konrad

Asoe, The systems you are describing are Resistivity of Solvent Extract (ROSE) Testers. These systems are available using one of two technologies, Static or Dynamic. Both systems use a calibrated test solution comprised of IPA and DI water. The t

Re: Solder paste stencil modification

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 15 09:11:28 EST 1999 | Steve Gregory

| Due to an foul up on my part, a circuit board ECO snuck up on me and I have a solder paste stencil that doesn't quite match the board. Two pads are off by about half a pad each. | | Can the solder paste stencil be modified? If so, what is the tec

Lead-Free alloy determination in repair / rework

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 08 11:50:55 EST 2011 | pgoodyear

As a technician that does frequent board level repair / rework some issues have come to mind. I have been an electronics technician for almost 50 years. In that time I have seen the evolution of electronics from point to point wiring using vacuum


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