Electronics Forum: nitrogen for selective wave (Page 1 of 10)

Replacement for nitrogen in the reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Mon May 24 06:00:23 EDT 2004 | johnwnz

call me picky but doesn't hydrogen combust? maybe soemthing you could do is look at your process and your products and decide if you actually need to run in N2. Yes ok I can hear the crys now but seriously, for the vast majority of things if you have

PPM rate for wave and selective solder

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 30 16:16:19 EDT 2003 | swagner

What is the industry standard for wave and selective solder PPM defect rate for a world class facility, any responses are appreciated.

PPM rate for wave and selective solder

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 30 16:42:24 EDT 2003 | davef

here's a start http://www.thepdfshop.co.uk/ppm/asp/Monthly.asp

PPM rate for wave and selective solder

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 01 00:30:04 EDT 2003 | caldon

Also Try: http://www.airliquide.com/en/business/industry/electronics/expertise/tech_papers.asp you can also search the airliquide site for "PPM" once in the electronics section Cal

Can anyone comment on electromagnetic pumps for selective solder machines.

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 27 14:19:25 EDT 2019 | surfacemountprocess

They do perform well and are much easier to maintain than impeller driven pumps as there are no moving parts. The machines with electromagnetic pumps do cost more but the extra investment is worth it. One of the main benefits of the electromagnetic

Nitrogen used in selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 23 11:27:45 EST 2015 | charliedci

Per our selective solder provider, they recommend a PSA type generator to supply the needed 99.999% pure N2. The membrane type (which we have) does not provide the minimum (99.995%) purity necessary for lead free wave soldering. They happen to sell P

Nitrogen supply for new solder wave spray fluxer.

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 07 16:14:10 EST 2023 | proceng1

We use Nitrogen to inert the Selective Solder, as well as spray flux. We have Onsite Nitrogen Generators.

Nitrogen supply for new solder wave spray fluxer.

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 07 21:28:30 EST 2023 | stephendo

What purity? To get 99.999% pure you will need dewers of liquid nitrogen or a two stage system. (and a dewer will last about a month and a half even if you don't use it as it outgasses.) But you can get reasonable purity with a wall mounted single s

design guidelines for wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 03 02:11:35 EST 2008 | andrzej

I am working on instruction for potential customer about PCB design guidelines to make it easy for wave soldering (not selective). I have experience and have already gathered some info but I still need exact information about dimensions and distances

Preference on selective soldering brands? Used gear life?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 24 21:29:06 EST 2023 | stephendo

What about nitrogen purity? Erza won't say anything other than you need 99.999% pure nitrogen. We are looking at another company that says the same. At a previous place we switched from dewers of liquid nitrogen to a single pass filter. I could see

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