Electronics Forum: nitrogen temprature in selective soldering (Page 1 of 1)

Nitrogen used in selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 22 10:21:46 EST 2015 | charliedci

I am curious to know how others are providing N2 for their lead free selective soldering process. If you are utilizing a nitrogen generator, is it a PSA type or Membrane type? I am trying to get a handle on nitrogen purity and what purity is necessar

Nitrogen used in selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 22 13:01:14 EST 2015 | dyoungquist

We are using a nitrogen generator (with a N2 storage tank) that feeds 1 selective solder machine. I do not know which type of generator it is. The N2 generator has an oxygen analyzer on it. The selective solder manufacturer recommends a N2 purity

Nitrogen used in selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 24 02:10:42 EST 2015 | comatose

Liquid is significantly cheaper than compressed gas tanks if you are in continuous production. Of course, it will eat your lunch if you're running things for a few days, then the machine sits idle for two weeks. It boils off whether you use it or n

Nitrogen used in selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 23 10:31:01 EST 2015 | rgduval

What are the continuing costs on the N2 generator? Is there replaceable media that needs to be monitored/replaced at regular intervals to maintain N2 generation? We're currently using tank-supplied N2, but are just getting ready to fire up our sele

Nitrogen used in selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 23 12:34:28 EST 2015 | dyoungquist

Our nitrogen generator and an air drying unit came with the selective solder machine when it was purchased new in 2008 as a package deal. We originally were feeding the system with air that was not properly dried. That lead to some maintenance cost

Nitrogen used in selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 23 11:27:45 EST 2015 | charliedci

Per our selective solder provider, they recommend a PSA type generator to supply the needed 99.999% pure N2. The membrane type (which we have) does not provide the minimum (99.995%) purity necessary for lead free wave soldering. They happen to sell P

Nitrogen used in selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 23 16:11:38 EST 2015 | rgduval

Charlie, For the 300 cylinder (the largest Airgas sells), it's going to cost about $66/cylinder for the gas (plus delivery charges). They also charge a $99/year lease for the cylinder. Based on those costs, and a low-end N2 generator system that I

bubbles in solder pot

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 15 11:34:28 EDT 2023 | proceng1

I'm sure this isn't the same situation, but we did have a selective solder machine with crazy dross and solder ball build up. Turns out the operator switched the low pressure nitrogen line used for solder level and the high pressure nitrogen line fo

N2 Nitrogen Purity Level Measurment in Selective Soldering ??

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 15 16:34:30 EDT 2015 | pmcg

Anyone have any pointers on how to measure the purity level of the gas supplied to Selective Solder machines? We use both bottled gas and also have an N2 generator and would like to confirm that both are performing similar.

Step by step guide in evaluation of Solder Bar and Flux

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 11 20:44:37 EST 2006 | davef

Title : LEAD-FREE WAVE SOLDER FLUX EVALUATION Author : Michael Havener Author Company : Benchmark Electronics, Inc Date : 09/25/2005 Conference : SMTA International Abstract : The European Union�s deadline to ban lead in electronic pr


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