Electronics Forum: no power (Page 1 of 1)

Dek-265 no power

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 30 07:03:07 EDT 2008 | gemengr

DEK_265LT had been turn off and on by itsefl couple of time yesterday,and then off for good. I check the power going in to machine to the switch,got power to it,then power out to that little green box but there wasn't any power out put from that lit

Dek-265 no power

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 30 07:45:05 EDT 2008 | gemengr

Yes, it is. there's a heat sensor under of 4 resister,look like it open now.I'm thinking to make a jumper right there to see it can power up the machine.(this's a little green box on top of the transformer)

Dek-265 no power

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 30 07:50:34 EDT 2008 | realchunks

I've done it in the past. By-pass it and you'll be back in production. Make sure your power is off.

Dek-265 no power

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 30 11:41:55 EDT 2008 | gemengr

It back running now, after shut it off over night, it power back up,look like the heat sensor under of 4 resistors is start getting bad.But i'll by pass it, if it happen again. Thank you for your in put.

Dek-265 no power

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 30 07:39:29 EDT 2008 | realchunks

Is the green box on top of the transformer? If so you can by-pass it.

Dek-265 no power

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 30 08:03:25 EDT 2008 | chineechooze

You need switch out the cognex vision card.

Dek-265 no power

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 30 11:06:03 EDT 2008 | realchunks

No, you don't.

FUJI IP3 MFU1 no power

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 19 12:22:52 EST 2015 | dman97

Hi there. I have an IP3 machine that refuses to power up the MFU cart on side 1. I have already replaced the I/O card but still no dice. Is there a relay or fuse that I need to check to get this to power up? The machine will not operate the camera

FUJI IP3 MFU1 no power

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 24 15:32:10 EST 2015 | swiese242

Hi there. I have an IP3 machine that refuses to > power up the MFU cart on side 1. I have already > replaced the I/O card but still no dice. Is > there a relay or fuse that I need to check to get > this to power up? The machine will not operate

Re: RF applications..aqueos vs. no clean..HELP!!!!

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 27 12:36:34 EST 1999 | Scott Cook

| Hi, | I have a customer who's electronic assemblies produce RF. He is insisting upon aqueuos cleaning. We switched to a no clean solder years ago and no longer have an aqueous system. | Is aqueous cleaning necessary to eliminate 'cross talk' of


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