Electronics Forum: nozzle size for 0402 (Page 1 of 6)


Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 09 09:08:09 EDT 2005 | russ

It's normal for us when we review design. We have found that in the Y axis we need .015" whereas in the X axis we can use .005" spacing. this relates to our nozzle size vs. pickup skew etc... This wouldn't apply if there are parts taller than XXX

Reason for Connector drop using chuck nozzle

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 13 04:04:36 EST 2020 | nizar

Hi Tommy, Thanks for the reply. We use chuck nozzle and grip the dimm connector body to pick up. The concern is; we do pick up 2 same connector but different component size (height and width) due to different company. So, we create two different

Reason for Connector drop using chuck nozzle

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 14 04:46:39 EST 2020 | tamasmagyar

Hi Nizar, Would you consider having maybe separate nozzles for two separate connectors? If they are different in size, you might have a problem there, since the nozzle you use, is only good for the one you get the nozzle for. After that, I assume yo

Reason for Connector drop using chuck nozzle

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 16 21:46:45 EST 2020 | nizar

Hi Tommy, I don't have picture right now. Surface where the nozzle grip is different width size. Thanks for the point. As per your previous mention, I will look into the tray cavity setting and nozzle. Many thanks.

Reason for Connector drop using chuck nozzle

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 12 20:19:05 EST 2020 | nizar

Hi All, I have pick DIMM connector using chuck nozzle. Shape data already refer to physical size. Unfortunately, connector drop during pick up, and have many dislodge. Can we understand what might be the reason ?

Pick & place nozzle for data switch

Electronics Forum | Mon May 25 20:17:56 EDT 2009 | paligora

Hi , we have problems with the pick & place nozzle when assembling data switches on the PCB. The SMT switches have top surface with diameter of 2.6mm and our supplier is suggesting that if we need to replace the current nozzle which has oval suction

Mounting 0402 chips

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 12 08:02:31 EDT 2011 | emeto

It looks like a nozzle size issue. Make sure you have the right nozzle size for the part as well as the right feeder.I think that if the machine takes the parts from the feeders, it can't be feeder problem. Usually parts will jump out of the feeder

Fuji CP4 & 0402

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 01 09:34:54 EST 2008 | jdengler

In the PD for 0603 I have a min size of 0.7mm and a max size of 1.0mm and the CP4 size at 0.0mm. This way when you have 1.0mm nozzles in the machine it will use that and when you change them to 0.7mm it will use that. Both sizes work OK. -Jerry

Fuji CP4 & 0402

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 01 08:40:12 EST 2008 | jdengler

Hi AJ, Change ALL 12 of the 1.0mm to 0.7mm. The CP 4 can only set nozzle size for S M and L not some of the 12 but all 12. 0402 usually come in 8 x 2 mm tape so you need 8 x 2 feeders or you will waste 1 component for every component you use. T

Stencil Design for Resistor Net Array 0402

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 26 19:11:52 EST 2003 | russ

Tell us more about your printer. squegge blade type ,speed, snap-off distance etc... You shouldn't have to change apertures for any component based upon its rotation. the parts that are coming out good could they withstand a higher volume print? You

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