Electronics Forum: ocr (Page 1 of 3)

Mirtec AOI - bad OCR result

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 21 15:03:23 EDT 2012 | lakritzstange

Hi all, we have a Mirtec table top system MV-7. We are trying to use the ocr function to "read" the letters on the IC/resistors and so on. But the results are really bad. From other company using other machine i know that ocr is working fine. Ha

Component Text (Fonts)

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 01 18:52:31 EDT 2001 | Product Guy

I am interested in learning if there are any standards regarding markings (text) that appear on components. In order to properly supply an OCR/V to my company's customers I need to find more information regarding component markings to develop a sati

Mirtec AOI - bad OCR result

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 23 22:27:14 EDT 2012 | padawanlinuxero

I have a MV-2HTL and we don't have problems with it. Have you try to contact Mirtec ? probably is a problem with the camera.

Mirtec AOI - bad OCR result

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 25 19:19:42 EDT 2012 | padawanlinuxero

Hi is me again If what you are looking is for the AOI to "see" the marking on a resistor theres the option of taking a picture of only the numbers in the resistor is not highly accurate but it works.


Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 04 16:52:28 EDT 2021 | tey422

There is always option to use Google Translate app to translate. It has the "point & shoot" feature to OCR to capture whatever text from the image, then you will know what to do next.

Opinions about AOI Machines

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 23 13:51:27 EST 2006 | Juan

Need more info.. SMT only inspection? SMT/TH inspection? Solderability inspecting? OCR/OVT inspecting? (reading letters and number) Lots of alternate parts? Established database driven programming software? (Circuit CAM, Flexa, Assembly Expert, CIMB

Mirtec AOI - bad OCR result

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 24 09:30:43 EDT 2012 | bdamico

Hello Laritzstange, My name is Brian D'Amico, I am the president of MIRTEC USA. I noticed your posting on this forum and I would like to offer some guidance. First, I would like to ask which system you have. Our MV-7 system is an in-line system.

Who has best desktop AOI ?

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 04 19:42:21 EDT 2010 | eadthem

We do almost exclusively SMT parts but for solder with a 45 degree fillet angle use vertical light type and a binarise threshold of 128(1/2 dark 1/2 light) and use the 2nd option or dark=dark light=light _|" in vertical light solder fillet is dar


Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 16 06:54:40 EDT 2007 | bbl

My company is also looking at AOI. There is one group that is promoting flying probe ICT as well. We can only afford to purchase one or the other this year. Does anyone have data that compares advantages/disadvantages of each? I see them as comp

AOI false fail PPM

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 08 13:21:14 EDT 2008 | RobP

With AOI it really depends on what you are testing. Not only what criteria, but what different types of components. We run a high volume low mix application for automotive checking for presense, positional accuracy, and all solder joints. We curre

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