Electronics Forum: odd address error (Page 1 of 8)

Anyone up to this odd task?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 18 18:27:21 EDT 2003 | samaniegocesar

Hi Mark Actually I'm a Operations Manager of UEMSA group, I'm an Electronic Engineer and I being doing and Designing some devices like your requirement( pneumatics machines, controllers, etc), I could Help you, I can Design the countdown timer, but

Integration of manual odd form / low volume pick and place

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 19 13:57:10 EDT 2002 | ksfacinelli

Ken, Thanks for the info but I do not see where this addresses my main concern of placement using an alternative to the tweezers and keeping the board on the conveyer. Please let me know if I am missing something. Thanks, Kevin

Integration of manual odd form / low volume pick and place

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 21 20:07:51 EDT 2002 | S.Evers

Fritch: http://www.fritschusa.com APS: http://www.apsgold.com MannCorp: http://www.manncorp.com Advanced Techniques: http://www.atco-us.com All of these companies make or sell manual vacuum aided assembly systems which will address your low end asse

S25 Software booting error

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 06 21:57:09 EST 2021 | compit

make an IP address reservation for the MAC address of the machine on the DHCP server

cp643 OS error

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 14 04:11:16 EDT 2005 | zsver

What is written on the display at error type and error address. from error address you can find out where the error comes from.

S25 Software booting error

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 06 21:38:22 EST 2021 | erici

Thanks victor, will go with your suggestions. By the way, would you happen to have some info on how to work the MC distributor? When i was working on the hard drive of the machine i was able to re install the MC software on a fresh harddrive, as i u

Universal GSM1 startup error

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 03 15:51:06 EDT 2015 | amrsalama

I have the same problem and while using logicomm it gives an error message (FC107F24) !!! how can I read this error to address the problem ???

Universal GSM1 startup error

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 06 20:18:27 EDT 2015 | edwaterfall01

With the address of FC107F24 I would look at the Slot 11 UIMC board. Try swapping with another Radisys Board. Check jumpers, changing one jumper only on each board.

Universal GSM1 startup error

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 12 11:01:37 EDT 2015 | bnorton

Machine->Config and set all their addresses to 0. We have swapped the EPC5, the VGA Video, the Force board, and most recently the Lantern 630VME. Watching the Force board COMM2 with Logicomm, at the end of all the ldx file processing it changes to c

Nozzle gives vacuum error

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 13 01:53:25 EDT 2023 | sophyluo1985

Dear Klauss,Maybe you can ask our GOLDLAND company, we are very familiar with the AM100 machine, you can send a message to our engineering team and describe your problem. They'll be happy to sort it out for you. I'll introduce you to our engineering

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