Electronics Forum: off center printing (Page 1 of 99)

Re: printing

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 29 13:38:20 EDT 1998 | Russ Miculich

| looking for help with fine-pitch printing for what would be the best settings for printing speed, squeegee pressure, seperation speed. | thanks for you time Brian: As Justin says - the issues are many. However, a good start would be to run at 0.75

Screen printing

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 22 09:51:51 EST 2008 | realchunks

You need to take it a few steps farther. The main reason you would want to reject a certain % off print is because it made defects. So you need to see how far you can go without creating a defect and then establish that as your cut off and the need

double printing

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 21 19:01:33 EDT 2007 | dekhead

If you MUST double print, probably to get good aperture fill near board edges, I would recommend letting off on pressure (maybe 20%) to minimize the bleed. Alot depends on your board (gasket) quality.

Screen printing

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 21 12:26:47 EST 2008 | karkanov

Hi everyone!! Is anybody have a chart or rule or standard for misprint. What I mean is if there is a way of saying if my print for some reason a switch 1%, 5%, 10%, etc, off the pad that is not acceptable. Thank you Yannick

Adhesive printing

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 31 07:02:00 EST 2002 | martino

The whole process counldn't be easier. The sales reps' try to turn the whole thing into some crazy black art-its not. The stencil supplier will have their own standard 'glue dot' configurations, and 9 times out of 10 these are more than adequate. As

Adhesive printing

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 28 16:48:14 EST 2002 | djarvis

Printing with adhesives is no big deal so don't let the sales types try to mystify the process and convince you that they have the only stencils/adhesives/knowledge that can possibly get you through this "trying time" - at a price. Start with 0.010"

Printing off contact

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 07 06:37:39 EST 2007 | mk

We have been processing a family of boards for 3 years. No issues. New PCB Vendor and the boards suddenly will not print very well. Sloppy printing definition. Closer inspection reveals that the soldermask is built up .0012-.0019 over the vias, preve

Printing off contact

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 07 17:19:36 EST 2007 | stepheniii

We have been processing a family of boards for 3 > years. No issues. New PCB Vendor and the boards > suddenly will not print very well. Sloppy > printing definition. Closer inspection reveals > that the soldermask is built up .0012-.0019 over >

Printing off contact

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 13 11:45:27 EST 2007 | realchunks

If you're using vaccuum to hold the board, too much vacuum can cause bad print. This generally occurs during snap off. You can either decrease snap-off time of reduce vacuum.

Squeege Snap off (MEASURED?)

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 15 08:24:32 EST 2001 | adrian

I thought the stencil was flush to the top of the board when Screen printing. When does this snap off occur in the screen printing process?

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