Electronics Forum: omni-flow (Page 1 of 1)

How much air flow is required for an Omni Flow 5 oven?

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 15 11:58:55 EST 2008 | rkeck

We are looking at an Omni Flow 5 Oven and do not have much information on it. We do know it has a 3" cabinet vent and a 6" vent near the center on the top. If anyone has knowledge of this oven, and has any suggestions or info, we would appreciate

Double-sided reflow process.

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 08 22:32:53 EDT 1998 | E.

*Reply to: ericr@nj.tanon.com Without going into a lengthy explaination {at this time}, has anyone experimented, tested, evaluate, and/or 'perfected' an SMT double-side reflow process. Presently I'm using a Kester R593 OA (water soluble) Sn63/Pb37 -

How much air flow is required for an Omni Flow 5 oven?

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 15 15:55:58 EST 2008 | pjc

This is from the OmniFlo 5 Engineering data sheet: EXHAUST SPECIFICATIONS: STANDARD AIR OPERATION: - Load-end: 150 cfm (255 m3/hr) at the 4� (102 mm) stack (minimum requirement) - Unload-end: 300 cfm (510 m3/hr) at the 4� (102 mm) stack (minimum req

Micro solder balling

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 26 08:59:56 EDT 2000 | Antonio A. Medina

Ok guys, I need help. Here's the deal. We're getting micro solder balls under discreets on the bottomside of the board. Here's my set up... MPM screener w/vacuum plate 6 mil metal screen with 90% circular (rounded) apertures 7 mil (measured) past

Re: Double-sided reflow process.

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 10 04:58:18 EDT 1998 | Tony B

| *Reply to: ericr@nj.tanon.com | | Without going into a lengthy explaination {at this time}, has anyone experimented, tested, evaluate, and/or 'perfected' an SMT double-side reflow process. Presently I'm using a Kester R593 OA (water soluble) Sn63/


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Blackfox IPC Training & Certification

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