Electronics Forum: outside target position fuji cp (Page 1 of 1)

Fuji CP643

Electronics Forum | Mon May 23 22:30:36 EDT 2005 | Frank

Hi all, I am trying to solve a problem with a CP643E any help on it please,It stop during production on an error for (Outside Target Position). Cheers Frank

Re: product changeovers

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 03 19:24:25 EDT 1999 | JohnW

50% reduction in time. One draw back, the availability of feeders... You need 280 feeders max to change over a max capacity of 140 feeder machine (or a variance of a product mix vs. part numbers); then there's 8mm, 12mm, 16mm, sticks feeders that c

Re: product changeovers

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 03 18:14:03 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

50% reduction in time. One draw back, the availability of feeders... You need 280 feeders max to change over a max capacity of 140 feeder machine (or a variance of a product mix vs. part numbers); then there's 8mm, 12mm, 16mm, sticks feeders that c


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