Electronics Forum: oven watch (Page 1 of 9)

Omniflo 10 oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 16 10:34:29 EDT 2004 | kauer

A couple of questions for You. How old is this oven? Does it have a history of problems? When I have seen speed variations with our Omniflow 7s it is usualy the encoder but it usually spikes rather hard in one spot. You can see this physically and by

What size panels for chain oven

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 25 19:12:17 EDT 2022 | proceng1

I generally do not design an array larger than 10" x 12". Other than just thermal mass, the one issue to watch with extra length is if the array is so large that it spans multiple heat zones at the same time. We have panels that are up to 48" l

PCB intake speed on a Soltec oven

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 13 12:56:17 EST 2005 | grantp

Hi, We have a problem sometimes where our soltec oven will accept another PCB too soon after it's taken the last one, so the PCB will collide with the last PCB that just enter the oven, and knock half the components off one of the boards, and destro

Can someone take a measurement on a HELLER oven please

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 03 18:30:29 EST 2018 | slthomas

Not sure how the lead screw drive gear is locked in place but is it possible that it's slipping in both directions (when driving the rail both forward and backward) and then not catching until after the other end has already moved some? You could h

Can someone take a measurement on a HELLER oven please

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 03 18:31:06 EST 2018 | slthomas

Not sure how the lead screw drive gear is locked in place but is it possible that it's slipping in both directions (when driving the rail both forward and backward) and then not catching until after the other end has already moved some? You could ha

Where to start with a new reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 14 11:34:04 EDT 2003 | Axl

As far as solder paste goes search no further! I have worked for some huge CM's as a Process Engineer and a lot of them have put thousands of hours of Engineering time and evaluation just to come up with the same answer every time. For no-clean it is

Soldering BGA

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 25 08:29:45 EDT 2002 | davef

Ianchan: Watch yourself. Old style vapor phase oven are being replaced by ovens build to capitalize on new generation fluids [ie, Ausimont, F2, etc]. These machines could fill roles in soldering of no-leads.

Re: Vitronics Ovens

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 30 14:59:54 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach

| Looking to contact some users of Vitronics reflow ovens. | Which model do you use? | Overall opinion of equipment and company? | Thanks in advance I use an SMR500 without inert reflow, although it's capable. I have had great success with this oven

Soldering BGA

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 26 01:08:09 EDT 2002 | ianchan

Hi Dave F, I'd hold you to that "could" opinion of yours... and I'd be most willing to give the new VP ovens a try if such ovens become commerically acceptable to the pocket and match up to our current process control requirements (that we can achie

Parts Blowing off in Reflow Oven

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 29 17:56:47 EDT 2005 | Ryan

We have a new Heller 1809 EXL reflow oven and when we run MELF�s or Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors through the oven they are being blown off the pads. I have verified that the placement is good before reflow. I verified that they are pushed down

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