Electronics Forum: panasonic pana pro software (Page 1 of 4)

Re: Panasert communication software

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 24 18:54:00 EDT 1998 | M. Faisal Pandit

Sergey, Fear not. Help is on its way. I am responsible for the development of the PanaPRO Software Product at Panasonic. PanaPRO/Host does communicate with MKI's. I will have our Sales Engineer contact you. Thanks, M. Faisal Pandit Software Developme

Help software Panapro Programming

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 07 17:05:38 EDT 2017 | tombstonesmt

Not sure if Panasonic supports PanaPro anymore. If it was PCB programming I could help, but I've never worked on an insertion machine.

Optimizer software for different brand of Pick and place equipme

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 29 10:10:46 EDT 2007 | ed_faranda

Panasonic Flexi-Cam is supposed to support different types of equipment (including third party). Not sure if it will support AX-72, if they don't, you could ask. I know they support a range of Universal Equipment. Back in the day, when PanaPRO woul

Re: Verification Systems

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 24 16:31:38 EDT 1998 | M. Faisal Pandit

| Is there any kind of Feeder Verification System that is compatiable with a Panasonic MSH,MV150 or MPA3???? Also, what choices do we have for a Feeder Verification System for the Fuji's other than RVS or Bartector????? John: Panasonic CIM Softwar


Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 16 19:17:08 EDT 1998 | M. Faisal Pandit

Nancy, Panasonic's CIM software product, PanaPRO, provides Line Management Functionality for a Multi-Vendor line. This product currently supports Universal, Fuji's and MPM's. It communicates with Universal's and MPM's via SECSII-GEM protocol. Fee

Re: Help me increase my first pass yields

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 04 15:02:38 EDT 1998 | M. Faisal Pandit

Frank, A couple of suggestions: 1. You may consider investing in a SPC Software package which would allow you to do a detailed analysis of your process. Panasonic's CIM Software Product, PanaPRO, has a well defined SPC application that can be used fo

Quality control

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 24 15:04:12 EDT 2001 | Hussman

Hmmm.... We use our placement data from our placement machines. Gives us nuber of placements, yield of good placements and a ton of other stuff that makes our QC peoples eyes get very very big! We use Panasonic equipment ond utilize the Pana-Pro s

Re: SMT setup verification system

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 17 19:40:16 EDT 1998 | M. Faisal Pandit

| I am looking for suppliers of SMT setup verification | systems that use bar code lables as the medium. | I have located Brady and Unicam's verifeed. We have | immediate need due to the push to remove component | markings. We have two lines presentl

Re: Host communication to Panasert Machines

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 11 01:12:24 EST 1999 | M. Faisal

| We're looking for a replacement for Panahost. | Any suggestions for alternative packages that will enable us to upload/download to Panasert Machines? | In preference we want a communication package that uses code operated switching (COS) to at le

PanaPro DSM

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 29 09:37:06 EDT 2007 | ed_faranda

I am a heavy, PanaPRO user. In fact, I have been using PanaPRO for many more years that I am willing to admit. Lets just say, I remeber when PanaPRO was called PanaTools. I am not famular with the PanaPRO DSM module. I use PanaPRO IPO to generate

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