Electronics Forum: panelized (Page 1 of 119)

how to control warpage on panelized pcb during reflow process

Electronics Forum | Mon May 13 06:38:41 EDT 2019 | relaycz

You need to give us a little more information. 1. What is the size of your panel? 2. Are there any heavy components? 3. What is the thickness of your board panel? 4. What kind of oven are you using? 5. Is it only a recent problem or ongoing one?

how to control warpage on panelized pcb during reflow process

Electronics Forum | Mon May 13 06:15:12 EDT 2019 | dhanish

how to control warpage on panelized pcb during reflow process.we are already running with pallet.Encountering problem to insert the pcb into pallet after first reflow cycle.The insertion is being done by robotic arm. Any recommendation on the profile

how to control warpage on panelized pcb during reflow process

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 01 04:39:49 EDT 2019 | sssamw

yes, You need tell us how the PCB and board designed, size, material, how de-paneling the PCB?

how to control warpage on panelized pcb during reflow process

Electronics Forum | Thu May 23 10:21:19 EDT 2019 | emeto

What is the material of this PCB?

how to control warpage on panelized pcb during reflow process

Electronics Forum | Mon May 13 23:44:26 EDT 2019 | dami0629

if use tray cannot solve the problem, you can change from the design 1)Reduce the effect of temperature on PCB 2) PCB USE HIGH TG 3) BOARD THICKNESS TOO THIN 4) MODIFY THE BOARD SIZE 5) Reduce the V-CUT depth.

how to control warpage on panelized pcb during reflow process

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 01 09:33:08 EDT 2019 | dbuschel

if you can't change the PCB materials or design at this point, you might be able to reduce it somewhat through the use of fixtures or edge stiffeners. Unless it is a particularly thick board, I don't think the reflow profile would be the issue. The t

CAD2CAD Panelizing processec<i>Cecece

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 23 19:20:04 EDT 2020 | admin1020302<i>cece

cCAD2CAD Panelizing processecCececeCAD2CAD Panelizing processecCececeCAD2CAD Panelizing processecCececeCAD2CAD Panelizing processecCecece

Board Layout on Panel

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 10 10:36:42 EST 2003 | russ

I would contact your PCB supplier, they usually have some type of software for panel optimization. Each shop potentially uses different size panels so it is a good idea to ask them what they are using and go from there. Keep in mind that there are


Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 15 11:10:44 EDT 1999 | D.Rusher

Looking for a manual machine to de-panel with the panels held by 60mm tabs. Each panel hold multi-boards consisting of different shapes and sizes. Scoring is apparently not an option and volume does not dictate a large scale machine.

How do i enter multiple pcb's into a layout.

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 05 11:52:48 EST 2019 | rgduval

Richard, Are you trying to put different pcb's on the panel, or just step and repeating the same pcb across the panel? Either way, the method is pretty similar. For step and repeat, you need to create a panel/layout, using the panel fiducials. Th

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