Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 14 18:27:38 EDT 2002 | kennyg
In regards to baking an assembly prior to hot air (BGA) rework.... 1) Do people always bake, sometimes or never? Does this depend on whether MS sensitive components are near the rework site? If a BGA is to be removed and reballed, baking is a no-br
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 15 10:12:44 EDT 2002 | davef
1) Do people always bake, sometimes or never? Does this depend on whether MS sensitive components are near the rework site? If a BGA is to be removed and reballed, baking is a no-brainer. Sometimes, based on the proximity of the MS components. >2)
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 12 03:54:03 EDT 2005 | Mika
Does the pcba:s comes directly from the assembly line, You are going to do rework on? If faulty pcba:s comes back from, let say a customer from outside or the pcba:s has been on Your shelf for some days/weeks, exposed to open environment (humidity in
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