Electronics Forum: perfect thm solder (Page 1 of 36)

the perfect SMT line configuration

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 28 12:33:01 EDT 2000 | Elfego Sanchez

Hi! Guys. I'm working in a SMT area and I want to have the best SMT line. What I want to know is: what would be the line configuration of a perfect SMT line?( automated solder printer-visual or automatic paste inspection-chip placement machine-IC pla

the perfect SMT line configuration

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 28 12:32:27 EDT 2000 | Elfego Sanchez

Hi! Guys. I'm working in a SMT area and I want to have the best SMT line. What I want to know is: what would be the line configuration of a perfect SMT line?( automated solder printer-visual or automatic paste inspection-chip placement machine-IC pla

Re: the perfect SMT line configuration

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 30 14:50:35 EDT 2000 | Elfego

Thanks for your replay,The line should be capable of making 200pc boards by hour 600 components by pc board,placing chips 0402 and IC's 144 pins 20 mils, also has to work 24 hours a day and 12 hrs saturdays and Sundays. these are products for the aut

Re: the perfect SMT line configuration

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 14 21:10:42 EST 2000 | Jeff

elfego, i used to wwork at a place with the following line layout: * Loader * MPM Hi-E * Triscan Solder Inspection Machine (affectionately called the "Trashcan" by the technicians ;-) * 2 Phillips FCM fast chip mounters * 1 Phillips Topaz "hybrid" (

Re: the perfect SMT line configuration

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 29 11:01:20 EDT 2000 | C.K.

We've got a new machine here called the "Automated Voice-Activated Printed Circuit Board Assembly Center." Basically, the way it works is you upload all of the information to this machine (your BOM, CAD Data, type of solder, etc.), and then after it

solder paste(SnPbAg)

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 13 16:43:29 EDT 2014 | anvil1021

This is the perfect combination for the Mission Critical PCBs you require. All of our Airborne Customer Prefer a Leaded Solder to a Lead Free, and often require it. ENIG PCB construction is the strongest method of producing Mission Critical Systems.

solder balls

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 19 08:00:03 EDT 2001 | doctord

Solder balls or mid chip beads? Remember IPC classification for Class 2 allows mid chip beads encapsulated in flux. Usually on R's and C's first thing I would do is verify .006 laser stencil 10% reduction and the most critical, The paste must be on t

solder balls/wash

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 09 20:52:02 EST 2020 | Mike Konrad

If the world was a perfect place, I would recommend preventing solder balls in the first place. While low amounts of solder balls are common, a high volume of solder balls are problematic to a cleaning machine (batch or inline). Solder balls may beco

solder paste

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 27 09:58:05 EDT 2011 | davef

Pressure printing systems Conventional stencil printing techniques have fundamental limitations as regards paste handling: The volume of paste available for printing is limited, so frequent replenishment is necessary Paste is difficult to c

wave solder bean bags

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 15 13:47:28 EDT 2005 | russ

No you're not stupid, they will melt if the top of the board gets real hot. I was lucky most likely in that ours were usually off of the board surface. anything that will hold the weight material will work. Now that I think about it my shot bags w

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