Electronics Forum: pick place machine sa (Page 1 of 186)

mirae pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 11 01:01:41 EDT 2003 | kadaba

we are evaluating mirae1025 pick and place machine along with mydata tp9-2u samsung cp45lv has any one got info on mirae and how do you rate this against the other two.. or alternatively should i include anu other similer model. i amd having not muc

mirae pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 12 00:48:35 EDT 2003 | MA/NY DDave

Hi I want to echo the above good advice. Be careful that you either buy a machine from a company that will be here 5 years out or you buy training, equipment documentation and spare parts to cover you. YiEng, MA/NY DDave

mirae pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 14 12:33:14 EDT 2003 | Brian W.

In many cases, if you buy a used machine, it is worth the investment to register your machine with the manufacturer. That way you have access to support and information for your machine. A number of the machine manufacturers also refurbish their eq

mirae pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 11 16:11:32 EDT 2003 | stefwitt

The question new or used was discussed several times. If you start fresh and have no experience with one or the other machine vendor, I would get a new machine, whose supplier has a service tech in driving distance. If you select the used machine pa

mirae pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 11 12:45:23 EDT 2003 | jonfox

Assembleon Topaz (many different flavors) or you can pick up an almost new Universal GSM pretty cheap these days. Are you looking for "new" equipment only? What are your requirements and/or features you are looking at/for? Another good machine if

mirae pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 15 15:23:10 EDT 2003 | davem

I would agree with the advice given by previous poster's. "Buyer Beware" is the rule of the day. Especially when dealing with 3rd. party brokers. Keep an eye out for some of the teir 1 EMS corp's auctions. You can pick up some excellent deals on we

UPS on a pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 04 18:10:36 EDT 2003 | dougt

When a UPS is used on pick and place equipment is it setup to continue to run the entire machine or is it just keeping the computer(s) powered up? How long will the UPS typically supply power to the machine?

grease for pick & place machine heads

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 06 04:42:37 EDT 2020 | richardcargill

Shell Alvania 2 ( or current equivalent )

UPS on a pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 05 13:04:35 EDT 2003 | caldon

Our machines are Single phase 220v. The big honkin' hubble plug goes right in the back of the UPS for the whole machine...no seperate lines for the PC's. Also the UPS is dedicated just to the machine even though it has a 120v Recepticles. Cal

Which UIC pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 04 14:14:31 EDT 2024 | charlie_cidp1984

Hi, I think that price UIC is acceptable, for example we have GC120 with full pack (145pcs) of feeders by 45 kUSD . Machines are in perfect condition.

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