Electronics Forum: pickup (Page 1 of 43)

Samsung cp40 pickup tolerance

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 16 01:42:15 EDT 2019 | ledze91

Hello. Got problems with big elements like connectors. Pickup tolerance dont work on cp40/Lv. Here got two machines cp40/lv and one cp40/cv. On cv dont have problems with pickup, but on Lv nozzle hit the pins of connectors or wont pick up

CP6 pickup errors

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 24 15:29:23 EST 2005 | Alex

Me no dummy.

CP6 pickup errors

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 25 07:49:01 EST 2005 | Alex

I guess there is another Alex trying to be funny.

CP6 pickup errors

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 24 12:08:15 EST 2005 | siverts

Checked the condition of your nozzles? Vacuum ok? Dummy part picked from the same feeder position? Dummy part picked from the very same feeder? How often does this problem occur? How many dummys did you pick for comparison? Sometimes a feeder calibr

FLexJet pickup problems

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 29 19:39:58 EDT 2011 | jbaez1

Hi, have somebody out there experienced problems picking up passive components with flexjet head FJ7P?? Just 1 nozzle-spindle is failing, trying to pickup a resistor,cap or diode; I have already changed nozzle tip, nozzle adaptor including springs,va

Cp45fv simultaneous pickup

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 14 11:50:22 EST 2024 | erikfriesen

I'm trying to understand what it takes for the optimizer to do simultaneous pickups, it seems it's just jumping all over. Does every feeder have to be the default position? Or does every one have to have the same offsets? Or does the head offset cali

CP6 pickup errors

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 24 11:18:20 EST 2005 | Alex

Many parts falls around the tape cutter no mather the size or type. Also many times the machine misses some picks. But when doing a placement test with a single dummy part, 99% good.

CP6 pickup errors

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 24 15:59:34 EST 2005 | JB

So you ask a question about a problem that you are having, someone takes the time to reply to your post. And your reply is "me no dummy?" We are all using this forum to get/give help or advice. This is not a teen chatroom.

CP6 pickup errors

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 25 23:26:27 EST 2005 | siverts

Good point [engguy], and another thing; if you are using 1.3mm nozzle on a feeder that has a shutter opening of 1.0mm = problem. You could even damage the nozzle. So the main questions remain....

CP6 pickup errors

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 03 18:48:41 EST 2005 | jimmyb

Alex, Is it fixed, or still a problem? If you found it, please post a solution. I just gotta know.

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