Electronics Forum: populated boards moisture (Page 1 of 86)

Baking populated PCBs

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 09 08:25:40 EDT 2009 | davef

We understand that you have boards in production that you need to ship. In the future, you could eliminate your moisture caused blow hole issue a lot more simply than baking. Consider requiring that your board fab plate the copper thickness of throug

Baking populated PCBs

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 25 03:24:11 EDT 2009 | fiona_j

Hello, I have been recently bringing a new RoHS wave soldering machine into production. Unfortunately, I am finding many of the boards are experiencing blow holes. It is always silver plated PCBs and I believe it is related to moisture ingress. I n

Baking populated PCBs

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 25 08:04:26 EDT 2009 | davef

Trapped moisture can be a problem, and one standard recommends baking a PCB for a minimum of 4 hours at 93+/- 5.5ºC before conformally coating. [NASA-STD-8739.1, “Workmanship Standard for Staking and Conformal Coating of Printed Wiring Boards and Ele

Removing soldermask from populated boards (PCBAs)

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 18 12:09:37 EST 2022 | jauregui

Hello friends! Is there a method to remove cured soldermask? Area is localized, intent is to solder SMDs parts. Boards are populated. Typically, we use an exacto knife with some risk of course but these boards are pricy and it's alot that needs

Removing soldermask from populated boards (PCBAs)

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 21 20:21:04 EST 2022 | emeto

You can try strip it with Chemically (like Acetone) or micro-blasting.

Removing soldermask from populated boards (PCBAs)

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 22 02:38:30 EST 2022 | davef

What type of material is your solder mask?

Removing soldermask from populated boards (PCBAs)

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 23 04:40:27 EST 2022 | micropak

I usually use a small engraving tool (handheld, battery powered). Works like a charm.

Removing soldermask from populated boards (PCBAs)

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 23 22:18:50 EST 2022 | davef

If you have access to a laser for barcode marking you can perform multiple passes to burn the mask away.

Removing soldermask from populated boards (PCBAs)

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 04 03:48:26 EST 2023 | researchmfg

We had sucessful removed the solder mask by laser machine and got good result and quality without damage the copper layer. You may refer to youtube here by https://youtu.be/cQHaE3_fiqw

Removing soldermask from populated boards (PCBAs)

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 14 11:22:04 EST 2023 | proy

Hello - I have seen this work effectively with a diode laser. I recently purchased a CO2 laser which I am certain would work. 10-20w diode lasers (used for marking and engraving) would likely work. The resist burns away, but the copper then dissipate

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