Electronics Forum: pot leak (Page 1 of 2)

Leaking Wave Solder Pot Electrovert Stainless/SN100C

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 03 10:13:38 EDT 2009 | markgray

Our wave started leaking a year ago. We welded, patched inside and outside the pot with metal patch. This works if you leave your wave on all of the time. If you turn your pot on and off consantly, the temperature cycles will bring the crack back. Ty

Leaking Wave Solder Pot Electrovert Stainless/SN100C

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 02 16:02:25 EDT 2009 | proy

Any suggestions/experience in repairing an old electrovert stainless wave solder pot? We have been running SN100C in this pot for a few years, and it developed a small leak along the weld in one corner. I am wondering of the best repair methods, an

Delta wave solder

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 08 04:24:37 EDT 2016 | aaronpainter

We are having an issue with the solder bars hanging the solder feeder dripping down the back side of the pot, and leaking in to the area where the terminal block for the elements on the pot are. We have tried aluminum tape to close off the gap betwee

Leaking Wave Solder Pot Electrovert Stainless/SN100C

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 03 10:14:01 EDT 2009 | bk

Probably you can weld the spot that is leaking as a temporary fix.As for a long term solution, I would probably go with a lead free retrofit kit.It is basically a titanium insert that you place into your existing pot and it is cheaper then buying a n

Cleaning a Used (Preowned) Selective Solder Machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 02 16:47:03 EDT 2015 | curiousman

Hi all, My company recently purchased a preowned EBSO SPA 400-F, and I am trying to get it up and running. Still need to get a few other parts like a nozzle and nitrogen generator, but in the meantime I was looking to clean out the residues and oxid

Solder wave shutdown

Electronics Forum | Thu May 24 13:14:59 EDT 2007 | mfgengr

The answer is simple...kind of. The short answer in terms of total cost (if you don't run an air conditioner) is there is no difference. The technical answer is: The First Law of Thermodynamics - Conservation of Energy applies. You have an entire s

Solder wave shutdown

Electronics Forum | Thu May 24 15:47:10 EDT 2007 | mfgengr

Just to clarify: I'd say that it will potentially save money by turning the wave off at night, but the savings are minimal. But...If your power rates are cheaper during off peak hours (at night) like some power companies offer, it may save you money

Solder Pot Draining

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 20 14:06:27 EDT 2013 | jorge_quijano

We were doing the same a few months ago, it took us 1 shift with 2 persons to drain it (we were repairing a leak), we were disconecting the resistors once they were not in contact with molten solder to prevent overheating... Here you have a pic of t

Kirsten jet wave

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 21 06:01:07 EDT 2012 | hunzo

Hello Sergey, I have used Kirsten Modula Wave with ADL (anti dross liquid) option. We have had the same expectation like you: less dross and lower operation cost due to no inert gas is required. That is achieved, the dross generation was modest and t

Re: Pallet problems

Electronics Forum | Tue May 19 08:48:05 EDT 1998 | Aric Parr

| | I am running boards with gold fingers on a pallet for | | masking purposes. The pallets worked fine for a while | | but know the gold fingers are getting solder on them. We | | have tried everythin: new pallets, cleaning the pallet | | and boa

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